Paul McNamara (mcnamara-p)
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Mares, Edwin D. and McNamara, Paul. 1997. “Supererogation in Deontic Logic Metatheory for
DWE and Some Close Neighbours.” Studia
Logica: An International Journal for Symbolic Logic 59(3): 397–415.
McNamara, Paul. 1990. “Leibniz on Creation, Contingency and Per-Se
Modality.” Studia Leibnitiana 22(1): 48–68.
McNamara, Paul. 1993. “Does the Actual World Actually Exist? .”
Philosophical Studies 69(1): 59–81, doi:10.1007/bf00989624.
McNamara, Paul. 1996a. “Doing Well Enough: Toward a Logic for Common-Sense
Morality.” Studia Logica: An International Journal for
Symbolic Logic 57(1): 167–192.
McNamara, Paul. 1996b. “Must I Do What I Ought? (Or Will the Least I Can Do
Do?).” in \(\Delta\)EON’96. Deontic Logic,
Agency and Normative Systems, Third International Workshop on Deontic
Logic in Computer Science, Sesimbra, Portugal, 11–13 January
1996, edited by Mark A. Brown
and José Carmo, pp. 154–173. Berlin:
McNamara, Paul. 1999. “Doing Well Enough in An Andersonian-Kangerian
Framework.” in Norms, Logics and
Information Systems: New Studies in Deontic Logic and Computer
Science, edited by Paul McNamara and Henry Prakken, pp. 181–200. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and its
Applications. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
McNamara, Paul. 2006a.
“Deontic Logic.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
McNamara, Paul. 2006b.
“Deontic Logic.” in Handbook of the History of Logic. Volume 7: Logic and the
Modalities in the 20th Century, edited by Dov M. Gabbay and John Woods, pp. 197–288. Amsterdam: North-Holland
Publishing Co.
McNamara, Paul. 2010.
“Deontic Logic.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
McNamara, Paul. 2011. “Supererogation, inside and Out: Toward an Adequate Scheme
for Common-Sense Morality.” in Oxford Studies in Normative Ethics, volume I,
edited by Mark Timmons, pp. 202–235.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199693269.001.0001.
McNamara, Paul, Jones, Andrew J. I. and Brown, Mark A., eds. 2022. Agency, Norms, Inquiry, and Artifacts: Essays in Honor of
Risto Hilpinen. Synthese Library. Dordrecht:
Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-90749-5.
McNamara, Paul and Prakken, Henry, eds. 1999a. Norms, Logics and Information Systems: New Studies in
Deontic Logic and Computer Science. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and its
Applications. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
McNamara, Paul and Prakken, Henry. 1999b.
“Introduction.” in Norms, Logics and Information Systems: New Studies in
Deontic Logic and Computer Science, edited by Paul McNamara and Henry Prakken, pp. 1–14. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and its
Applications. Amsterdam: IOS Press.
McNamara, Paul and Putte, Frederik van de. 2021.
“Deontic Logic.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,