Toby Meadows (meadows-t)
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Meadows, Toby. 2013. “Truth, Dependence and Supervaluation: Living with the Ghost.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 42(2): 221–240.
Meadows, Toby. 2014. “Fixed Points for Consequence Relations.” Logique et Analyse 57(227): 333–357.
Meadows, Toby. 2015. “Unpicking Priest’s Bootstraps.” Thought 4(3): 181–188.
Meadows, Toby. 2016. “Sets and Supersets.” Synthese 193(6): 1875–1907.
Meadows, Toby. 2017. “Review of Burgess (2015).” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 95(2): 397–400.
Meadows, Toby and Weber, Zach. 2016. “Computation in Non-Classical Foundations?” Philosophers' imprint 16(13).
Further References
Burgess, John P. 2015. Rigor and Structure. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198722229.001.0001.