Jörg Meibauer (meibauer-j)
Cited in the following articles
Lying, Tell-Tale Signs, and Intending to DeceiveContributions to Philosophie.ch
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Meibauer, Jörg. 2014a. “Bald-Faced Lies as Acts of Verbal Aggression .” Journal of Language Aggression and Conflict 2(1–2): 127–150, doi:10.1075/jlac.2.1.05mei .
Meibauer, Jörg. 2014b. Lying at the Semantics-Pragmatics Interface. Berlin: de Gruyter Monton, doi:10.1515/9781614510840.
Meibauer, Jörg. 2016. “Understanding Bald-Faced Lies. An Experimental Approach.” International Review of Pragmatics 8(2): 247–270. Special Issue: Empirical Approaches to Lying and Deception, doi:10.1163/18773109-00802004.
Meibauer, Jörg, ed. 2019a. The Oxford Handbook of Lying. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198736578.001.0001.
Meibauer, Jörg. 2019b. “Introduction: What is Lying? Towards an Integrative Approach.” in The Oxford Handbook of Lying, edited by Jörg Meibauer, pp. 1–12. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198736578.001.0001.
Meibauer, Jörg. 2019c. “Lying, Implicating, and Presupposing.” in The Oxford Handbook of Lying, edited by Jörg Meibauer, pp. 193–202. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198736578.001.0001.
Meibauer, Jörg. 2019d. “Bald-Faced Lies.” in The Oxford Handbook of Lying, edited by Jörg Meibauer, pp. 252–263. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780198736578.001.0001.
Schumacher, Petra B. and Meibauer, Jörg. 2013. “Pragmatic Inferencing and Expert Knowledge.” in Beyond Words. Content, Context, and Inference, edited by Frank Liedtke and Cornelia Schulze, pp. 231–246. Mouton Series in Pragmatics n. 15. Berlin: de Gruyter Mouton.
Wiegmann, Alexander and Meibauer, Jörg. 2019. “The Folk Concept of Lying.” Philosophy Compass 14(8), doi:10.1111/phc3.12620.