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Joseph G. Moore (moore-j)

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Philosophers' Imprint

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    Moore, Joseph G. 1999a. Propositions without Identity.” Noûs 33(1): 1–29.
    Moore, Joseph G. 1999b. Misdisquotation and Substitutivity: When Not to Infer Belief from Assent.” Mind 108: 335–365.
    Moore, Joseph G. 1999c. Saving Substitution in Simple Sentences.” Analysis 59: 91–105.
    Moore, Joseph G. 2000. Did Clinton Lie? Analysis 60: 250–254.
    Moore, Joseph G. 2008. A Modal Argument against Vague Objects.” Philosophers' imprint 8(12).
    Moore, Joseph G. 2010. Artistic Expression Goes Green [on Green (2008)].” Acta Analytica 25(1): 89–103.
    Moore, Joseph G. 2012. Musical Works: A Mash-Up.” in Art & Abstract Objects, edited by Christy Mag Uidhir, pp. 284–306. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199691494.001.0001.

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