Howard O. Mounce (mounce)
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Mounce, Howard O. 1971. “Self-Deception.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 45: 61–72.
Mounce, Howard O. 1981. Wittgenstein’s Tractatus. An Introduction. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
Mounce, Howard O. 1992. “On Nagel and Consciousness.” Philosophical Investigations 15: 178–184.
Mounce, Howard O. 1998. “Morality and Religion.” in Philosophy of Religion. A Guide to the Subject, edited by Brian Davies, pp. 253–285. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
Mounce, Howard O. 1999. Hume’s Naturalism. London: Routledge.
Mounce, Howard O. 2002. “The Inner and the Outer.” Philosophical Investigations 25(1): 67–78.
Mounce, Howard O. 2003. “Reply to Read and Deans (2003).” Philosophical Investigations 26(3): 269–270.
Mounce, Howard O. 2005. “Wittgenstein and Classical Realism.” in Readings of Wittgenstein’s On Certainty, edited by Danièle Moyal-Sharrock, pp. 103–121. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Mounce, Howard O. 2007. Metaphysics and the End of Philosophy. London: Continuum International Publishing Group.
Mounce, Howard O. 2011. “The Myth of Cartesian Privacy.” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 85(4): 577–587.
Further References
Emiliani, Alberto. 2003. “What Nonsense Might Do: The Metaphysical Eye Opens.” Philosophical Investigations 26(3): 205–229.
Koethe, John. 2003. “On the ‘Resolute’ Reading of the Tractatus.” Philosophical Investigations 26(3): 187–204.
Read, Rupert and Deans, Rob. 2003. “ ‘Nothing is Shown’: A ‘Resolute’ Response to Mounce (2003), Emiliani (2003), Koethe (2003) and Vilhauer (2003).” Philosophical Investigations 26(3): 239–268.
Vilhauer, Benjamin. 2003. “On a Tension in Diamond’s Account of Tractarian Nonsense.” Philosophical Investigations 26(3): 230–238.