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Dylan Murray (murray-dy)

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    Murray, Dylan. 2015. Situationism, Going Mental, and Modal Akrasia.” Philosophical Studies 172(3): 711–736.
    Murray, Dylan. 2020. Maggots Are Delicious, Sunsets Hideous: False, or Do You Just Disagree? Data on Truth Relativism about Judgments of Personal Taste and Aesthetics.” in Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, volume III, edited by Tania Lombrozo, Joshua Knobe, and Shaun Nichols, pp. 64–96. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198852407.001.0001.
    Murray, Dylan and Buchak, Lara. 2019. Risk and Motivation: When the Will is Required to Determine What to Do.” Philosophers' imprint 19(16).
    Murray, Dylan, Sytsma, Justin and Livengood, Jonathan. 2013. God Knows (but Does God Believe?).” Philosophical Studies 166(1): 83–107.
    Nahmias, Eddy and Murray, Dylan. 2011. Experimental Philosophy on Free Will: An Error Theory for Incompatibilist Intuitions.” in New Waves in Philosophy of Action, edited by Jesús H. Aguilar, Andrei A. Buckareff, and Keith Frankish, pp. 189–216. New Waves in Philosophy. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.