Martha S. Palmer (palmer-ms)
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Dang, Hoa Trang, Kipper, Karin, Palmer, Martha S. and Rosenzweig, Joseph. 1998. “Investigating Regular Sense Extensions based on Intersective Levin Classes.” in ACL-98. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and Seventeenth International Conference on Computational Linguistics, edited by Christian Boitet and Pete J. Whitelock, pp. 293–299. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Joshi, Arivind K. and Palmer, Martha S., eds. 1996. ACL-96. Proceedings of the 34th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Palmer, Martha S. 1987. “General Lexical Representation for an Effect Predicate.” in Lexical Semantics and Knowledge Representation, edited by James D. Pustejovsky and Sabine Bergler, pp. 245–254. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence n. 627. Berlin: Springer.
Palmer, Martha S. 1990. Semantic Processing for Finite Domains. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Palmer, Martha S., Dahl, Deborah A., Schiffman, Rebecca J., Hirschman, Lynette, Linebarger, Marcia C. and Dowding, John. 1994. “Recovering Implicit Information.” in Current Issues in Computational Linguistics: Essays in Honour of Don Walker, edited by Antonio Zampolli, Nicoletta Calzolari, and Martha S. Palmer, pp. 553–567. Pisa: Giardini Editori e Stampatori; Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Palmer, Martha S., Passoneau, Rebecca J., Weir, Carl and Finin, Timothy W. 1993. “The KERNEL Text Understanding System.” Artificial Intelligence 63(1–2): 17–68.
Palmer, Martha S. and Polguère, Alain. 1995. “A Preliminary Lexical and Conceptual Analysis of ‘break’: a Computational Perspective.” in Computational Lexical Semantics, edited by Patrick Saint-Dizier and Evelyne Viegas, pp. 231–250. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Stone, Matthew, Doran, Christine, Webber, Bonnie Lynn, Bleam, Tonia and Palmer, Martha S. 2003. “Microplanning with Communicative Intentions: The SPUD System.” Computational Intelligence 19(4).
Xia, Yan, Palmer, Martha S. and Joshi, Arivind K. 2000. “A Uniform Method of Grammar Extraction and Its Applications.” in Proceedings of the 2000 Joint SIGDAT Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing and Very Large Corpora, held in conjunction with the 38th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, edited by Hinrich Schütze and Keh-Yih Su, pp. 53–62. Somerset, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.