Simon Parsons (parsons-s)
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Amgoud, Leila, Bodenstaff, Lianne, Caminada, Martin, McBurney, Peter, Parsons, Simon, Prakken, Henry, Veenen, Jelle van and Vreeswijk, Gerard A. W. 2006. “Final Review and Report on Formal Argumentation System.” Toulouse: Université Toulouse III, Paul Sabatier. ASPIC, Project N 002307.
Fox, John F. and Parsons, Simon. 1997. “On Using Arguments for Reasoning about Actions and Values.” in AAAI-97. Working Papers of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Qualitative Preferences in Deliberation and Practical Reasoning, edited by Jon Doyle and Richmond H. Thomason, pp. 55–63. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
McBurney, Peter and Parsons, Simon. 2002. “Games that Agents Play: A Formal Framework for Dialogues between Autonomous Agents.” Journal of Logic, Language, and Information 11(3): 315–334.
Parsons, Simon. 1991. “Advance Prototyping.” in Symbolic and Quantitative Approaches for Uncertainty: Proceedings of the European Conference ECSQAU, Marseille, France, October 1991, edited by Rudolf Kruse and Pierre Siegel, pp. 86–90. Lecture Notes in Computer Science n. 548. Berlin: Springer.
Parsons, Simon. 1997. Qualitative Methods for Reasoning Under Uncertainty. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Parsons, Simon. 1998. “Agents that Reason and Negotiate by Arguing.” Journal of Logic and Computation 8(3): 261–292.
Parsons, Simon, Atkinson, Katie, Li, Zimi, McBurney, Peter, Sklar, Elizabeth, Singh, Munindar P., Haigh, Karen Zitka, Levitt, Karl and Rowe, Jeff. 2014. “Argument Schemes for Reasoning About Trust.” Argument and Computation 5(2–3): 160–190, doi:10.1080/19462166.2014.913075.
Renooij, Silja, Gaag, Linda C. van der and Parsons, Simon. 2002. “Context-Specific Sign-Propagation in Qualitative Probabilistic Networks.” Artificial Intelligence 140(1–2): 207–230.
Saasson, Isabel, Kökciyan, Nadin, Modgil, Sanjay and Parsons, Simon. 2021. “Argument Schemes for Clinical Decision Support.” Argument and Computation 12(3): 329–355, doi:10.3233/AAC-200550.