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Talcott Parsons (parsons-t)

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    Parsons, Talcott. 1935. The Place of Ultimate Values in Sociological Theory.” International Journal of Ethics 45(3): 282–316.
    Parsons, Talcott. 1953. Consciousness and Symbolic Processes.” in Problems of Consciousness: Transactions of the Fourth Conference, edited by Harold A. Abramson. New York: Josiah Macy Foundation.
    Parsons, Talcott, Bales, Robert F. and Shils, Edward A. 1953. Working Papers in the Theory of Action. Glencoe, Illinois: Free Press.
    Parsons, Talcott and Shils, Edward A., eds. 1951. Toward a General Theory of Action. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.