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John A. Passmore (passmore)

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    Aaron, Richard Ithamar, Rotenstreich, Nathan, Passmore, John A., Mercier, André, Russell, Leonard J. and Moreau, Joseph. 1961. Discussion sur Hersch (1961) et Marias (1961).” Dialectica 15(57–58): 253–257.
    Barzin, Marcel, Perelman, Chaı̈m, Passmore, John A. and Ayer, Alfred Jules. 1961. Discussion sur Rotenstreich (1961) et Ewing (1961).” Dialectica 15(57–58): 202–204.
    Moreau, Joseph, Werner, Charles, Calogero, Guido, Berger, Gaston, Erbinghaus, Julius, Santos, Délio, Passmore, John A. and Breda, Herman Leo van. 1961. Discussion de Guzzo (1961) et de Landgrebe (1961).” Dialectica 15(57–58): 118–125.
    Passmore, John A. 1948. Philosophy and Scientific Method.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 49: 17–32.
    Passmore, John A. 1952. Hume’s Intentions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Passmore, John A. 1953. Descartes, the British Empiricists, and Formal Logic.” The Philosophical Review 62(4): 545–553.
    Passmore, John A. 1955. Intentions.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 29: 131–146.
    Passmore, John A. 1958. William Harvey and the Philosophy of Science.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 36(2): 85–94.
    Passmore, John A. 1960. Popper’s Account of Scientific Method.” Philosophy 35(135): 326–331.
    Passmore, John A. 1962. Fact and Meaning.” Logique et Analyse 5(20): 251–263.
    Passmore, John A. 1968a. A Hundred Years of Philosophy. London: Penguin Books.
    Passmore, John A. 1968b. Aesthetics and the Philosophy of Art.” Crı́tica: Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofı́a 2(6): 47–70.
    Passmore, John A. 1969. Russell and Bradley.” in Contemporary Philosophy in Australia, edited by Robert Brown and C. D. Rollins, pp. 21–30. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press.
    Passmore, John A. 1975. Attitudes to Nature.” in Nature and Conduct, edited by Richard Stanley Peters, pp. 251–264. Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures n. 8. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
    Passmore, John A. 1976. Sex Education.” in Liberty and Politics. Studies in Social Theory, edited by Owen Harries, pp. 48–60. Oxford: Pergamon Press.
    Passmore, John A. 1980. Locke and the Ethics of Belief.” Proceedings of the British Academy 64: 185–208.
    Passmore, John A. 1982. The Representative Arts as a Source of Truth.” in The Tanner Lectures on Human Values, volume 3, edited by Sterling M. McMurrin. vol. 3. Salt Lake City, Utah: University of Utah Press.
    Passmore, John A. 1986. Nature, Intellect and Culture.” in Philosophie et culture. Actes du XVIIe Congrès mondial de philosophie, Montréal, volume I, edited by Venant Cauchy, pp. 65–72. Montréal: Éditions du Beffroi.
    Passmore, John A. 1992. Australian Philosophy or Philosophy in Australia? in Essays on Philosophy in Australia, edited by Jan T. L. Srzednicki and David Wood, pp. 1–18. Nijhoff International Philosophy Series n. 46. Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
    Passmore, John A. 1994. Editing Russell’s Papers.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 49: 189–205. “Investigating Hintikka,” ed. by Rudolf Haller.
    Passmore, John A. 2004. Contemporary Concepts of Philosophy.” in Philosophical Problems Today, vol. 2: Language, Meaning, Interpretation, edited by Guttorm Fløistad, pp. 11–44. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Passmore, John A. and Gardiner, Stephen M. 2007. Environmentalism.” in A Companion to Contemporary Political Philosophy, edited by Robert E. Goodin, Philip Pettit, and Thomas W. Pogge, 2nd ed., pp. 572–592. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy n. 2. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Smith, John Edwin, Aaron, Richard Ithamar, Passmore, John A., Rotenstreich, Nathan and Mercier, André. 1961. Discussion de van Melsen (1961) et de Barzin (1961).” Dialectica 15(57–58): 80–83.

Further References

    Barzin, Marcel. 1961. La connaissance scientifique.” Dialectica 15(57–58): 73–79.
    Ewing, Alfred Cyril. 1961. La conscience et les valeurs.” Dialectica 15(57–58): 197–202.
    Guzzo, Augusto. 1961. Le concept philosophique de Monde.” Dialectica 15(57–58): 91–107.
    Hersch, Jeanne. 1961. Nature, limites et conditions de la connaissance historique.” Dialectica 15(57–58): 231–244.
    Landgrebe, Ludwig. 1961. Le concept philosophique de Monde.” Dialectica 15(57–58): 107–118.
    Marias, Julián. 1961. Nature, limites et conditions de la connaissance historique.” Dialectica 15(57–58): 244–253.
    van Melsen, Andrew G. M. 1961. La connaissance scientifique.” Dialectica 15(57–58): 55–73.
    Rotenstreich, Nathan. 1961. La conscience et les valeurs.” Dialectica 15(57–58): 185–196.