Ramesh S. Patil (patil)
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Doyle, Jon and Patil, Ramesh S. 1989. “Two Theses of Knowledge Representation: Language Restrictions, Taxonomic Classifications, and the Utility of Representation Services.” Artificial Intelligence 48(3): 261–298.
Grimson, W.Eric L. and Patil, Ramesh S., eds. 1987. AI in the 1980s and Beyond: An MIT Survey. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Martin, William A., Church, Kenneth W. and Patil, Ramesh S. 1981. “Preliminary Analysis of a Breadth-First Parsing Algorithm: Theoretical and Experimental Results.” mit-lcs-tr-261. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Laboratory for Computer Science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Patil, Ramesh S. 1981. “Causal Understanding of Patient Illness in Medical Diagnosis.” in IJCAI-81. Proceedings of the 7th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Patrick J. Hayes, pp. 893–899. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Patil, Ramesh S. 1983. “Role of Causal Relations in Formulation and Evaluation of Composite Hypotheses.” in IEEE MedComp Conference. New York: IEEE Computer Science Press.
Patil, Ramesh S., Fikes, Richard E., Patel-Schneider, Peter F., McKay, Don, Finin, Timothy W., Gruber, Thomas R. and Neches, Robert. 1992. “The DARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort: Progress Report.” in KR’92: Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, edited by Bernhard Nebel, Charles Rich, and William R. Swartout, pp. 777–788. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.