Philip Percival (percival-p)
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Percival, Philip. 1989. “Indices of Truth and Temporal Propositions.” The Philosophical Quarterly 39: 190–199.
Percival, Philip. 1990a. “Fitch and Intuitionistic Knowability.” Analysis 50(3): 182–187.
Percival, Philip. 1990b. “Indices of Truth and Intensional Operators.” Theoria 57: 148–172.
Percival, Philip. 1991. “Knowability, Actuality, and the Metaphysics of Context-Dependence.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 69(1): 82–97.
Percival, Philip. 1992. “Thank Goodness That’s Non-Actual.” Philosophical Papers 21: 191–213.
Percival, Philip. 1994. “Absolute Truth.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 94: 189–213.
Percival, Philip. 1999. “A Note on Lewis’ on Counterfactual Dependence in a Chancy World.” Analysis 59: 165–173.
Percival, Philip. 2000a. “Lewis’s Dilemma of Explanation under Indeterminism Exposed and Resolved.” Mind 109: 39–66.
Percival, Philip. 2000b. “Stecker’s dilemma: a constructive response.” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 58: 51–60.
Percival, Philip. 2001a. “Probability.” in A Companion to the Philosophy of Science, edited by William H. Newton-Smith, pp. 358–372. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9781405164481.
Percival, Philip. 2001b. “Theoretical Terms: Meaning and Reference.” in A Companion to the Philosophy of Science, edited by William H. Newton-Smith, pp. 495–514. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9781405164481.
Percival, Philip. 2002a. “Epistemic Consequentialism.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 76: 121–151.
Percival, Philip. 2002b. “A Presentist’s Refutation of Mellor’s McTaggart.” in Time, Reality and Experience, edited by Craig Callender, pp. 91–118. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement n. 50. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Percival, Philip. 2002c. “Is Constructivism Floored? Reply to Stecker.” The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 60: 83–86.
Percival, Philip. 2003. “The Pursuit of Epistemic Good.” Metaphilosophy 34: 29–47.
Percival, Philip. 2005. “Comic Normativity and the Ethics of Humor.” The Monist 88(1): 93–120.
Percival, Philip. 2006. “On Realism about Chance.” in Identity and Modality, edited by Fraser MacBride, pp. 74–106. Mind Association Occasional Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Percival, Philip. 2007. “An Empiricist Critique of Constructive Empiricism: The Aim of Science.” in Images of Empiricism. Essays on Science and Stances, with a reply from Bas C. van Fraassen, pp. 83–116. Mind Association Occasional Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199218844.001.0001.
Percival, Philip. 2009. “Determinism and Probability.” in The Routledge Companion to Metaphysics, edited by Robin Le Poidevin, Peter M. Simons, Andrew McGonigal, and Ross P. Cameron, pp. 480–496. Routledge Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge, doi:10.4324/9780203879306.
Percival, Philip. 2011. “Predicate Abstraction, the Limits of Quantification, and the Modality of Existence.” Philosophical Studies 156(3): 389–416.
Percival, Philip. 2013. “Branching of Possible Worlds.” Synthese 190(18): 4261–4291.
Percival, Philip. 2020. “Beyond Reality?” in Metaphysics, Meaning, and Modality. Themes from the Work of Kit Fine, edited by Mircea Dumitru, pp. 38–51. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199652624.001.0001.