Dario Perinetti (perinetti-d)
Contributions à Philosophie.ch
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Fraenkel, Carlos, Perinetti, Dario and Smith-Ruiu, Justin, eds. 2011a. The Rationalists: Between Tradition and Innovation. The New Synthese Historical Library n. 65. Dordrecht: Springer.
Fraenkel, Carlos, Perinetti, Dario and Smith-Ruiu, Justin. 2011b. “Introduction.” in The Rationalists: Between Tradition and Innovation, edited by Carlos Fraenkel, Dario Perinetti, and Justin Smith-Ruiu, pp. 1–12. The New Synthese Historical Library n. 65. Dordrecht: Springer.
Perinetti, Dario. 2005. “History, Concepts and Normativity in Hegel.” in Hegel’s Theory of the Subject, edited by David Gray Carlson, pp. 60–72. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Perinetti, Dario. 2006. “Philosophical Reflection on History.” in The Cambridge History of Eighteenth-Century Philosophy, edited by Knud Haakonssen, pp. 1107–1140. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Perinetti, Dario. 2012. “Between Knowledge and Sentiment: Burke and Hume on Taste.” in Protagoras of Abdera: The Man, His Measure, edited by Johannes M. van Ophuijsen and Marlein van Raalte, pp. 283–304. Philosophia Antiqua n. 134. Leiden: E.J. Brill.
Perinetti, Dario. 2014. “Ways to Certainty.” in The Routledge Companion to Eighteenth Century Philosophy, edited by Aaron V. Garrett, pp. 265–294. Routledge Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge.
Perinetti, Dario. 2020. “Moral Pluralism and the Historical Point of View: Reading ‘A Dialogue’ .” in Reading Hume on the Principles of Morals, edited by Jacqueline Taylor, pp. 196–218. Oxford: Oxford University Press.