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John Peterson (peterson-j)

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    Peterson, John. 1969a. Predicates and Predicables.” The New Scholasticism 43(1): 104–119.
    Peterson, John. 1969b. Predicates and Predicables Revisited: A Reply [to Bobik (1969)].” The New Scholasticism 43(4): 618–626.
    Peterson, John. 1979. ‘True’ as Analogical.” The New Scholasticism 53(1): 86–95.
    Peterson, John. 1985. Persons and the Problem of Interaction.” The Modern Schoolman 62: 131–138.
    Peterson, John. 1988. Direct Realism, Skepticism and Truth.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 31: 147–150.
    Peterson, John. 1994. Does Kant Reduce the Cosmological Proof to the Ontological Proof? The Thomist 58(3): 463–469.
    Peterson, John. 1998. Judgment and Existence in Aquinas.” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 72(4): 529–538.
    Peterson, John. 2008. Aquinas. A New Introduction. Lanham, Maryland: University Press of America.

Further References

    Bobik, Joseph. 1969. Comment [on Peterson (1969a)]: Predicates and Predicables.” The New Scholasticism 43(1): 120–130.