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Paul M. Pietroski (pietroski)

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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

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    Crain, Stephen, Gualmini, Andrea and Pietroski, Paul M. 2005. Brass Tacks in Linguistic Theory: Innate Grammatical Principles.” in The Innate Mind. Structure and Contents, edited by Peter Carruthers, Stephen Laurence, and Stephen P. Stich, pp. 175–197. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195179675.001.0001.
    Crain, Stephen and Pietroski, Paul M. 2001. Nature, Nurture, and Universal Grammar.” Linguistics and Philosophy 24(2): 139–186.
    Dwyer, Susan and Pietroski, Paul M. 1996. Believing in Language.” Philosophy of Science 63(3): 338–373.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 1992. Intentionality and Teleological Error.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 73: 267–282.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 1993. Prima Facie Obligations, Ceteris Paribus Laws in Moral Theory.” Ethics 103: 489–515.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 1994. Mental Causation for Dualists.” Mind and Language 9: 336–366.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 1995. Other Things Equal, the Chances Improve.” in Québec Studies in the Philosophy of Science I. Logic, Mathematics, Physics and History of Science. Essays in Honor of Hughes Leblanc, edited by Mathieu Marion and Robert S. Cohen, pp. 259–274. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 177. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 1999a. Compositional Quotation (without Parataxis) [on Cappelen and LePore (1999)].” in Philosophy and Linguistics, edited by Kumiko Murasugi and Robert J. Stainton, pp. 245–258. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 1999b. Logical Form.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2000a. Causing Actions. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/0199252769.001.0001.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2000b. On Explaining That.” The Journal of Philosophy 97(5): 655–662.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2002a. Function and Concatenation.” in Logical Form and Language, pp. 91–117. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2002b. Logical Form.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2003a. Quantification and Second-Order Monadicity.” in Philosophical Perspectives 17: Language and Philosophical Linguistics, edited by Dean W. Zimmerman and John Hawthorne, pp. 259–298. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2003b. Semantics and Metaphysics of Events.” in Donald Davidson, edited by Kirk A. Ludwig, pp. 137–162. Contemporary Philosophy in Focus. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2003c. Small Verbs, Complex Events: Analyticity without Synonymy.” in Chomsky and His Critics, edited by Louise M. Antony and Norbert H. Hornstein, pp. 179–214. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9780470690024.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2003d. The Character of Natural Language Semantics.” in Epistemology of Language, edited by Alex Barber, pp. 217–256. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2004. Logical Form.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2005a. Events and Semantic Architecture. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2005b. Meaning before Truth.” in Contextualism in Philosophy: Knowledge, Meaning, and Truth, edited by Gerhard Preyer and Georg Peter, pp. 255–302. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199267408.001.0001.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2005c. Events in Semantic Theory.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Donald M. Borchert, 2nd ed. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2005d. Logical Form.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Donald M. Borchert, 2nd ed. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2006a. Character Before Content.” in Content and Modality. Themes from the Philosophy of Robert Stalnaker, edited by Judith Jarvis Thomson and Alex Byrne, pp. 34–60. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2006b. Interpreting Concatenation and Concatenates.” in Philosophical Issues 16: Philosophy of Language, edited by Ernest Sosa, pp. 221–245. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2006c. Logical Form and LF.” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Language, edited by Ernest LePore and Barry C. Smith, pp. 822–843. Oxford Handbooks. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199552238.001.0001.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2007a. Systematicity via Monadicity.” Croatian Journal of Philosophy 7(3): 343–374.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2007b. Logical Form.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2008. Think of the Children.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 86(4): 657–669.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2009. Logical Form.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2012. Semantic Monadicity with Conceptual Polyadicity.” in The Oxford Handbook of Compositionality, edited by Markus Werning, Wolfram Hinzen, and Edouard Machery, pp. 129–148. Oxford Handbooks. New York: Oxford University Press.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2013. Event Variables and Their Values.” in A Companion to Donald Davidson, edited by Ernest LePore and Kirk A. Ludwig, pp. 93–125. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9781118328408.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2015a. Framing Event Variables.” Erkenntnis 80(suppl., 1): 31–60.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2015b. Logical Form.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2017. I-Languages and T-Sentences.” in Reflections on the Liar, edited by Bradley Armour-Garb, pp. 141–190. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199896042.001.0001.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2018. Conjoining Meanings. Semantics without Truth Values. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198812722.001.0001.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2021a. Chomsky on Meaning and Reference.” in A Companion to Chomsky, edited by Nicholas Allott, Terje Lohndal, and Georges Rey, pp. 404–415. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Hoboken, New Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9781119598732.
    Pietroski, Paul M. 2021b. Logical Form.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
    Pietroski, Paul M. and Crain, Stephen. 2005. Innate Ideas.” in The Cambridge Companion to Chomsky, edited by James A. McGilvray, pp. 163–180. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781316716694.
    Pietroski, Paul M. and Hornstein, Norbert H. 2020. Universal Grammar.” in Current Controversies in Philosophy of Cognitive Science, edited by Adam J. Lerner, Simon Cullen, and Sarah-Jane Leslie, pp. 13–28. Current Controversies in Philosophy. New York: Routledge.
    Pietroski, Paul M. and Rey, Georges. 1995. When Other Things Aren’t Equal: Saving Ceteris Paribus Laws from Vacuity.” The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 46(1): 81–110.

Further References

    Cappelen, Herman and LePore, Ernest. 1999. Semantics for Quotation.” in Donald Davidson: Truth, Meaning, and Knowledge, edited by Urszula M. Żegleń, pp. 85–95. Routledge Studies in Twentieth-Century Philosophy n. 2. London: Routledge. Also published in Murasugi and Stainton (1999, 209–222), with comments and reply.
    Murasugi, Kumiko and Stainton, Robert J., eds. 1999. Philosophy and Linguistics. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press.