Richard Power (power-r)
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van Deemter, Kees and Power, Richard. 1998. “Coreference in Knowledge Editing.” in The Computational Treatment of Nominals: Proceedings of the Workshop, edited by Federica Busa, Inderjeet Mani, and Patrick Saint-Dizier, pp. 56–60. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Kibble, Rodger and Power, Richard. 1999. “Using Centering Theory to Plan Coherent Texts.” in ILLC. Proceedings of the Twelfth Amsterdam Colloquium, edited by Paul J. E. Dekker and Martin B. J. Stokhof, pp. 187–192. University of Amsterdam, Holland, Institute for Logic, Language; Computation: ILLC Publications.
Power, Richard. 1979. “The Organization of Purposeful Dialogues.” Linguistics 17: 107–152.
Power, Richard, Scott, Donia R. and Bouayad-Agha, Nadjet. 2003. “Document Structure.” Computational Linguistics 29(2): 211–260.
Scott, Donia R., Power, Richard and Evans, Roger. 1998. “Generation as a Solution to Its Own Problem.” in INLG’98. Proceedings of the Ninth International Workshop on Natural Language Generation, edited by Eduard H. Hovy, pp. 256–265. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.