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Michael S. Pritchard (pritchard-ms)

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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

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    Pritchard, Michael S. 1977. Rawls’s Moral Psychology.” The Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 8(1): 59–72.
    Pritchard, Michael S. 1978. Conscience and Reason in Butler’s Ethics.” The Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 9(3): 39–49.
    Pritchard, Michael S. 2005. Engineering Ethics.” in A Companion to Applied Ethics, edited by Christopher Heath Wellman and Ray G. Frey, pp. 620–632. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Pritchard, Michael S. 2022. The Importance of Sentiment in Promoting Reasonableness in Children. London: Anthem Press.
    Pritchard, Michael S. and Robison, Wade L. 1981. Justice and the Treatment of Animals: A Critique of Rawls.” Environmental Ethics 3: 55–61. Reprinted in Richardson (1999, 197–204).

Further References

    Richardson, Henry S., ed. 1999. The Philosophy of John Rawls: A Collection of Essays. Vol. 3: Opponents and Implications of A Theory of Justice. New York: Garland Publishing Co.