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Khemdut Purang (purang)

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    Gurney, John, Perlis, Donald and Purang, Khemdut. 1996. Updating Discourse Context with Active Logic.” Unpublished manuscript, University of Maryland.
    Gurney, John, Perlis, Donald and Purang, Khemdut. 1997. Interpreting Presuppositions Using Active Logic: From Contexts to Utterances.” Computational Intelligence 13(3): 391–426.
    Perlis, Donald, Purang, Khemdut, Purushothaman, Darsana, Anderson, Carl G. and Traum, David R. 1999. Modeling Time and Meta-Reasoning in Dialogue via Inductive Logic.” in AAAI-99. Working Papers of the AAAI Fall Symposium on Psychological Models of Communication in Collaborative Systems, edited by Susan E. Brennan, Alain Giboin, and David R. Traum, pp. 93–99. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
    Purang, Khemdut, Perlis, Donald and Gurney, John. 1996. Active Logic Applied to Cancellation of Gricean Implicature.” in AAAI-96. Working Notes: AAAI Spring Symposium on Computational Implicature: Computational Approaches to Interpreting and Generating Conversational Implicature, edited by Barbara di Eugenio and Nancy L. Green, pp. 86–96. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press. Unpublished Working Notes, AAAI Spring Symposium.
    Purang, Khemdut, Purushothaman, Darsana, Traum, David R., Andersen, Carl and Perlis, Donald. 1999. Practical Reasoning and Plan Execution with Active Logic.” in IJCAI-99. Workshop on Practical Reasoning and Rationality, edited by John L. Bell, pp. 30–38. Murray Hill, New Jersey: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.