Panu Raatikainen (raatikainen)
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Axiomatization of Galilean Spacetime, The Minimalist Theory of Truth and the Generalisation ProblemContributi a
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Pihlström, Sami, Raatikainen, Panu and Sintonen, Matti, eds. 2008. Approaching Truth. Essays in Honour of Ilkka Niiniluoto. Tributes n. 5. London: King’s College Publications.
Raatikainen, Panu. 1998. “On Interpreting Chaitin’s Incompleteness Theorem.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 27(6): 569–586.
Raatikainen, Panu. 2000. “The Concept of Truth in a Finite Universe.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 29(6): 617–633.
Raatikainen, Panu. 2001. “Quine, Putnam, Languages and Worlds.” Dialectica 55(2): 167–174.
Raatikainen, Panu. 2003a. “Is Quine a Verificationist?” The Southern Journal of Philosophy 41(3): 399–409.
Raatikainen, Panu. 2003b. “Hilbert’s Program Revisited.” Synthese 137(1–2): 157–177.
Raatikainen, Panu. 2003c. “More on Putnam and Tarski.” Synthese 135(1): 37–47.
Raatikainen, Panu. 2004. “Conceptions of Truth in Intuitionism.” History and Philosophy of Logic 25(2): 131–145.
Raatikainen, Panu. 2005a. “On How to Avoid the Indeterminacy of Translation.” The Southern Journal of Philosophy 43(3): 395–413.
Raatikainen, Panu. 2005b. “Truth and Provability – A Comment on Redhead.” The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 56(3): 611–613.
Raatikainen, Panu. 2005c. “On Horwich’s Way Out.” Analysis 65(3): 175–177, doi:10.1111/j.1467-8284.2005.00546.x.
Raatikainen, Panu. 2008a. “ ‘Mirage Realism’ or ‘Positivism in Naturalism’s Clothing’?” in Problems from Armstrong, edited by Tim De Mey and Markku Keinänen, pp. 63–70. Acta Philosophica Fennica n. 84. Helsinki: Societas Philosophica Fennica, Akateeminen Kirjakauppa.
Raatikainen, Panu. 2008b. “On Rules of Inference and the Meaning of Logical Constants.” Analysis 68(4): 282–287.
Raatikainen, Panu. 2008c. “Truth, Meaning, and Translation.” in New Essays on Tarski and Philosophy, edited by Douglas Eden Patterson, pp. 247–262. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199296309.001.0001.
Raatikainen, Panu. 2011. “On Carnap Sentences.” Analysis 71(2): 245–246.
Raatikainen, Panu. 2012. “Ramsification and Inductive Inference.” Synthese 187(2): 569–577.
Raatikainen, Panu. 2013a. “Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Raatikainen, Panu. 2013b. “What was Analytic Philosophy? [on Glock (2008)].” Journal for the History of Analytical Philosophy 2(2): 11–27.
Raatikainen, Panu. 2014. “Chalmers’ Blueprint of the World.” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 22(1): 113–128.
Raatikainen, Panu. 2015. “Gödel’s Incompleteness Theorems.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Raatikainen, Panu. 2020. “Theories of Reference: What Was the Question?” in Language and Reality from a Naturalistic Perspective. Themes from Michael Devitt, edited by Andrea Bianchi, pp. 69–104. Cham: Springer.
Further References
Glock, Hans-Johann. 2008. What is Analytic Philosophy? Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.