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Friedrich Reinmuth (reinmuth-f)

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Holistic Inferential Criteria of Adequate Formalization


    Cordes, Moritz and Reinmuth, Friedrich. 2017. Commentary and Illocutionary Expressions in Linear Calculi of Natural Deduction.” Logic and Logical Philosophy 26(2): 163–196, doi:10.12775/llp.2017.002.
    Reinmuth, Friedrich. 2014. Hermeneutics, Logic and Reconstruction.” in Theory and Practice of Logical Reconstruction. Anselm as a Model Case, edited by Friedrich Reinmuth, Geo Siegwart, and Christian Tapp, pp. 152–190. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 17. Münster: Mentis Verlag.
    Reinmuth, Friedrich. 2020. Holistic Inferential Criteria of Adequate Formalization.” Dialectica 74(2). Special issue “The Formalisation of Arguments,” guest edited by Robert Michels, doi:10.48106/dial.v74.i2.05.
    Reinmuth, Friedrich and Siegwart, Geo. 2016. Inferential Acts and Inferential Rules. The Intrinsic Normativity of Logic.” Analyse & Kritik 38(2): 417–431.
    Reinmuth, Friedrich, Siegwart, Geo and Tapp, Christian, eds. 2014a. Theory and Practice of Logical Reconstruction. Anselm as a Model Case. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 17. Münster: Mentis Verlag.
    Reinmuth, Friedrich, Siegwart, Geo and Tapp, Christian. 2014b. Introduction.” in Theory and Practice of Logical Reconstruction. Anselm as a Model Case, edited by Friedrich Reinmuth, Geo Siegwart, and Christian Tapp, pp. 13–21. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 17. Münster: Mentis Verlag.