
    Del Pinal, Guillermo, Madva, Alex and Reuter, Kevin. 2017. Stereotypes, Conceptual Centrality and Gender Bias: An Empirical Investigation.” Ratio 30(2): 384–410.
    Reuter, Kevin. 2011. Is Imagination Introspective? Philosophia 39(1): 31–38.
    Reuter, Kevin. 2014. The Importance of Intentions in Introspection.” in J.L. Austin on Language, edited by Brian Garvey, pp. 197–211. Philosophers in Depth. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Reuter, Kevin. 2016. Unsere Auffassung von Schmerzen.”, the Swiss Portal for Philosophy,
    Reuter, Kevin. 2019a. Dual Character Concepts.” Philosophy Compass 14(1), doi:10.1111/phc3.12557.
    Reuter, Kevin. 2019b. Wie denken wir über Emotionen und Schmerzen?, the Swiss Portal for Philosophy,
    Reuter, Kevin and Brössel, Peter. 2019. No Knowledge Required.” Episteme 16(3): 303–321.
    Reuter, Kevin and Messerli, Michael. 2017. How Not to Characterise a Hard Choice.” Ratio 30(4): 494–521.
    Reuter, Kevin and Messerli, Michael. 2018. Transformative Decisions.” The Journal of Philosophy 115(6): 313–335.
    Reuter, Kevin, Sienhold, Michael and Sytsma, Justin. 2019. Putting Pain in its Proper Place.” Analysis 79(1): 72–82.