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Adriane A. Rini (rini-a)

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    Cresswell, Maxwell J., Mares, Edwin D. and Rini, Adriane A., eds. 2016a. Logical Modalities from Aristotle to Carnap. The Story of Necessity. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9781139939553.
    Cresswell, Maxwell J., Mares, Edwin D. and Rini, Adriane A. 2016b. Introduction.” in The Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation: Selected Papers, edited by Jonathan Ginzburg, Zurab Khasidashvili, Carl Vogel, Jean-Jaques Lévy, and Enric Vallduvı́, pp. 1–10. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
    Cresswell, Maxwell J. and Rini, Adriane A. 2010. Are Contingent Facts a Myth? Analysis 70(3): 424–431.
    Cresswell, Maxwell J. and Rini, Adriane A. 2011. Contingent Facts: Comments on Mellor’s Reply [Mellor (2011)].” Analysis 71(1): 69–72.
    Meier, Helga, Zuelicke, Kristina and Rini, Adriane A. 2013. Review of Ebert and Nortmann (2007).” in The Philosophy of Edmund Husserl, edited by Uwe Meixner and Rochus Sowa, pp. 394–397. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 16. Münster: Mentis Verlag.
    Rini, Adriane A. 1996. The Aristotelicity of Thomason’s Semantics.” Logique et Analyse 39(155–156): 255–270.
    Rini, Adriane A. 2003. When Time is of the Essence: Prior Analytics I.15 and De Caelo I.12.” Logique et Analyse 46(183–184): 419–440.
    Rini, Adriane A. 2007a. Realizing Possibilities: Prior Analytics I.15.” in The Logica Yearbook 2006, edited by Ondřej Tomala and Radek Honzı́k, pp. 203–210. Praha: Filosofia. Nakladetelstvı́ Filosofického ústavu AV ČR.
    Rini, Adriane A. 2007b. Outside Time, Outside Worlds.” Logique et Analyse 50(199): 213–221.
    Rini, Adriane A. 2010. Aristotle’s Mathematical Cyclists.” Logique et Analyse 53(212): 399–415.
    Rini, Adriane A. 2011. Aristotle’s Modal Proofs. Prior Analytics A8-22 in Predicate Logic. The New Synthese Historical Library n. 68. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Rini, Adriane A. 2013. Models and Values: Why Did New Zealand Philosophy Departments Stop Hiring Women Philosophers? in Women in Philosophy What Needs to Change?, edited by Katrina Hutchison and Fiona Jenkins, pp. 127–142. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199325603.001.0001.
    Rini, Adriane A. 2016a. Aristotle on the Necessity of the Consequence.” in The Tbilisi Symposium on Logic, Language and Computation: Selected Papers, edited by Jonathan Ginzburg, Zurab Khasidashvili, Carl Vogel, Jean-Jaques Lévy, and Enric Vallduvı́, pp. 11–28. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
    Rini, Adriane A. 2016b. Thelogic of Logic and the Basis of Ethics.” Synthese 193(11): 3449–3457.
    Rini, Adriane A. 2024. Ordinary Language Meets Higher-Order Quantification: The Case of A.N. Prior.” in Higher-Order Metaphysics, edited by Peter Fritz and Nicholas K. Jones, pp. 402–419. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780192894885.003.0012.
    Rini, Adriane A. and Cresswell, Maxwell J. 2007. Introduction.” Logique et Analyse 50(199): 211.
    Rini, Adriane A. and Cresswell, Maxwell J. 2009. On a Misapplication of the World-Time Parallel.” Logique et Analyse 52(206): 125–130.
    Rini, Adriane A. and Cresswell, Maxwell J. 2010. Editor’s Introduction.” Logique et Analyse 53(212): 369.
    Rini, Adriane A. and Cresswell, Maxwell J. 2012. The World-Time Parallel: Tense and Modality in Logic and Metaphysics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Further References

    Ebert, Theodor and Nortmann, Ulrich. 2007. Aristoteles: Analytica Priora, Buch 1. Berlin: Akademie Verlag.
    Mellor, David Hugh. 2011. Contingent Facts: A Reply to Cresswell and Rini (2011).” Analysis 71(1): 62–69.