Séan G. Roberts (roberts-sg)
Contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Rennick, Stephanie, Clinton, Melanie, Ioannidou, Elena, Oh, Liana, Clooney, Charlotte, E.T., Healy, Edward and Roberts, Séan G. 2023. “Gender Bias in Video Game Dialogue.” Royal Society Open Science 10, doi:10.1098/rsos.221095 .
Rennick, Stephanie and Roberts, Séan G. 2021. “Improving Video Game Conversations with Trope-Informed Design.” Game Studies – an International Journal of Computer Game Research 2(3), https://gamestudies.org/2103/articles/rennick_roberts.
Rennick, Stephanie and Roberts, Séan G. 2023. “Male Video Game Characters Speak Twice as Much as Females, Largest Study of its Kind Reveals.” The Conversation, May, https://theconversation.com/male-video-game-characters-speak-twice-as-much-as-females-largest-study-of-its-kind-reveals-199061.
Rennick, Stephanie and Roberts, Séan G. forthcoming. “The Video Game Dialogue Corpus.” Corpora, doi:10.1098/rsos.221095 .
Stainton, Alexander, Roberts, Séan G. and Rennick, Stephanie. forthcoming. “Hey, You! The Importance of Pragmatics in Localizations of Mass Effect in French and Spanish.” Games and Culture, doi:10.1177/15554120231218.