Michael H. Robins (robins-mh)
Cited in the following articles
The Mental States First Theory of PromisingContributions to Philosophie.ch
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Robins, Michael H. 1975. “The Fallacy of ‘What Would Happen if Everybody Did That?’ .” The Southwestern Journal of Philosophy 6(2): 89–108.
Robins, Michael H. 1983. “Practical Inference, Necessity and Defeasibility.” Indian Philosophical Quarterly 10(4): 405–424.
Robins, Michael H. 1984. Promising, Intending and Moral Autonomy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Robins, Michael H. 1997. “Is it Rational to Carry Out Strategic Intentions?” Philosophia: Philosophical Quarterly of Israel 25(1–4): 191–221.