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Bertil Rolf (rolf-b)

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    Rolf, Bertil. 1980a. A Theory of Vagueness.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 9(2): 315–325.
    Rolf, Bertil. 1980b. The Finitary Standpoint.” Erkenntnis 15: 287–300.
    Rolf, Bertil. 1981. Topics on Vagueness.” PhD dissertation, Lund: Lunds Universitet, Filosofiska Institutionen.
    Rolf, Bertil. 1982a. Russell’s Theses on Vagueness.” History and Philosophy of Logic 3: 69–83.
    Rolf, Bertil. 1982b. Körner on Vagueness and Applied Mathematics.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 15: 81–108.
    Rolf, Bertil. 1983. The Port-Royal Theory of Definition.” Studia Leibnitiana 15(1): 94–107.
    Rolf, Bertil. 1984. Sorites.” Synthese 58(2): 219–250.