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Jan-Willem Romeijn (romeijn)

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    Douven, Igor, Horsten, Leon and Romeijn, Jan-Willem. 2010. Probabilist Antirealism.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 91: 38–63.
    Douven, Igor and Romeijn, Jan-Willem. 2007. The Discursive Dilemma as a Lottery Paradox.” Economics and Philosophy 23(3): 301–319.
    Douven, Igor and Romeijn, Jan-Willem. 2011. A New Resolution of the Judy Benjamin Problem.” Mind 120(479): 637–670.
    Haenni, Rolf, Romeijn, Jan-Willem, Wheeler, Gregory R. and Williamson, Jon. 2011. Probabilistic Logics and Probabilistic Networks. Synthese Library n. 350. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Heesen, Remco and Romeijn, Jan-Willem. 2019. Epistemic Diversity and Editor Decisions: A Statistical Matthew Effect.” Philosophers’ Imprint 19(39).
    Massimi, Michaela, Romeijn, Jan-Willem and Schurz, Gerhard, eds. 2017. EPSA 15 – Selected Papers. The 5th Conference of the European Philosophy of Science Association in Düsseldorf. European Studies in Philosophy of Science n. 5. Cham: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-319-53730-6.
    Romeijn, Jan-Willem. 2005. Bayesian Inductive Logic: Inductive Predictions from Statistical Hypotheses.” PhD dissertation, Groningen: Faculty of Philosophy, Rijksuniversiteit Groningen.
    Romeijn, Jan-Willem. 2011a. Statistics as Inductive Inference.” in Philosophy of Statistics, edited by Prasanta S. Bandyopadhyay and Malcolm R. Forster, pp. 751–776. Handbook of the Philosophy of Science n. 7. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
    Romeijn, Jan-Willem. 2011b. Inductive Logics and Statistics.” in Handbook of the History of Logic. Volume 10: Inductive Logic, edited by Dov M. Gabbay, Stephan Hartmann, and John Woods, pp. 625–650. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
    Romeijn, Jan-Willem. 2014. Philosophy of Statistics.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
    Romeijn, Jan-Willem, Sterkenburg, Tom F. and Grünwald, Peter D. 2012. Good Listeners, Wise Crowds, and Parasitic Experts.Comment on Thorn and Schurz (2012).” Analyse & Kritik 34(2): 399–408.
    Wenmackers, Sylvia and Romeijn, Jan-Willem. 2016. New Theory about Old Evidence.” Synthese 193(4): 1225–1250.

Further References

    Thorn, Paul D. and Schurz, Gerhard. 2012. Meta-Induction and the Wisdom of Crowds.” Analyse & Kritik 34(2): 339–365.