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Stanley J. Rosenschein (rosenschein-sj)

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    Agre, Philip E. and Rosenschein, Stanley J., eds. 1996. Computational Theories of Interaction and Agency. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Grosz, Barbara J., Haas, Norman, Hendrix, Gary G., Hobbs, Jerry R., Martin, Paul A., Moore, Robert C., Robinson, Jane and Rosenschein, Stanley J. 1982. DIALOGIC: A Core Natural-Language Processing System.” in COLING’82: Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Computational Linguistics, edited by J. Horecký, pp. 95–100. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
    Hobbs, Jerry R. and Rosenschein, Stanley J. 1977. Making Computational Sense of Montague’s Intensional Logic.” Artificial Intelligence 9(3): 287–306.
    Kaelbling, Leslie Pack and Rosenschein, Stanley J. 1990. Action and Planning in Embedded Agents.” Robotics and Autonomous Systems 6: 35–48.
    Kehler, Tom and Rosenschein, Stanley J., eds. 1986. AAAI-86. Proceedings of the Fifth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
    Rosenschein, Stanley J. 1981. Abstract Theories of Discourse and the Formal Specification of Programs That Converse.” in Elements of Discourse Understanding – Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Workshop on Computational Aspects of Linguistic Structure and Discourse Setting, edited by Arivind K. Joshi, Bonnie Lynn Webber, and Ivan A. Sag, pp. 251–265. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Rosenschein, Stanley J. 1985. Formal Theories of AI in Knowledge and Robotics.” New Generation Computing 3: 345–357.
    Rosenschein, Stanley J. 1987. The Logicist Conception of Knowledge is Too Narrow – But So is McDermott’s.” Computational Intelligence 3(3): 208–209.
    Rosenschein, Stanley J. 1989. Synthesizing Information-Tracking Automata from Environment Descriptions.” in KR’89: Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, edited by Ronald J. Brachman, Hector J. Levesque, and Raymond Reiter, pp. 386–393. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
    Rosenschein, Stanley J. and Kaebling, Leslie Pack. 1986. The Synthesis of Digital Machines with Provable Epistemic Properties.” in TARK 1986. Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge: Proceedings of the First Conference, edited by Joseph Y. Halpern, pp. 83–98. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers,
    Rosenschein, Stanley J. and Kaebling, Leslie Pack. 1995. A Situated View of Representation and Control.” Artificial Intelligence 73(1–2): 149–173.