Marleen Rozemond (rozemond)
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Rozemond, Marleen. 1993. “The Role of the Intellect in Descartes’s Case for the Incorporeity of the Mind.” in Essays on the Philosophy and Science of René Descartes, edited by Stephen H. Voss, pp. 97–114. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195075519.001.0001.
Rozemond, Marleen. 1995. “Descartes’s Case for Dualism.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 33(1): 29–63. Reprinted in Pereboom (1999, 19–58).
Rozemond, Marleen. 1996. “The First Meditation and the Senses.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 4(1): 21–52.
Rozemond, Marleen. 1997. “Leibniz on the Union of Body and Soul.” Archiv für Geschichte der Philosophie 79(2): 150–178.
Rozemond, Marleen. 1998. Descartes’s Dualism. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Rozemond, Marleen. 1999. “Descartes on Mind-Body Interaction: What’s the Problem ?” Journal of the History of Philosophy 37(3): 435–467.
Rozemond, Marleen. 2000. “Critical Notice of James (1997).” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 61(3): 723–726.
Rozemond, Marleen. 2003. “Descartes, Mind-Body Union, and Holenmerism.” Philosophical Topics 31(1–2): 343–367.
Rozemond, Marleen. 2004. “Critical Notice of Broughton (2002).” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 34(4).
Rozemond, Marleen. 2006a. “The Nature of Mind.” in The Blackwell Guide to Descartes’ Meditations, edited by Stephen Gaukroger, pp. 30–47. Blackwell Guides to Great Works n. 4. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9780470776476.
Rozemond, Marleen. 2006b. “Review of Alanen (2003).” Theoria 72(1): 91–95.
Rozemond, Marleen. 2008a. “Descartes’s Dualism.” in A Companion to Descartes, edited by Janet Broughton and John P. Carriero, pp. 372–389. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9780470696439.
Rozemond, Marleen. 2008b. “Descartes’s Ontology of the Eternal Truths.” in Contemporary Perspectives on Early Modern Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Vere Chappell, edited by Paul Hoffman, David Owen, and Gideon Yaffe, pp. 41–64. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press.
Rozemond, Marleen. 2009. “Leibniz on Final Causation.” in Metaphysics and the Good. Themes from the Philosophy of Robert Merrihew Adams, edited by Samuel Newlands and Larry M. Jorgensen, pp. 272–294. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199542680.001.0001.
Rozemond, Marleen. 2010. “Descartes and the Immortality of the Soul.” in Mind, Method and Morality: Essays in Honour of Anthony Kenny, edited by John G. Cottingham and Peter M. S. Hacker, pp. 252–273. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Rozemond, Marleen. 2011. “Real Distinction, Separability, and Corporeal Substance in Descartes.” in Midwest Studies in Philosophy 35: Early Modern Philosophy Reconsidered. Essays in Honor of Paul Hoffman, edited by Peter A. French, Howard K. Wettstein, and John P. Carriero, pp. 240–258. Malden, Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell.
Rozemond, Marleen. 2012. “Unity in the Multiplicity of Suárez’s Soul.” in The Oxford Handbook of Aristotle, edited by Christopher Shields, pp. 154–173. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195187489.001.0001.
Rozemond, Marleen. 2014a. “The Faces of Simplicity in Descartes’s Soul.” in Partitioning the Soul. Debates from Plato to Leibniz, edited by Klaus Corcilius and Dominik Perler, pp. 219–244. Topoi – Berlin Studies of the Ancient World n. 22. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Rozemond, Marleen. 2014b. “Pasnau on the Material-Immaterial Divide in Early Modern Philosophy [on Pasnau (2011)].” Philosophical Studies 171(1): 3–16.
Rozemond, Marleen. 2014c. “Mills can’t Think: Leibniz’s Approach to the Mind-Body Problem.” Res Philosophica 91(1): 1–28.
Rozemond, Marleen. 2016. “Descartes, Malebranche and Leibniz: Conceptions of Substance in Arguments for the Immateriality of the Soul.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 24(5): 836–857.
Further References
Alanen, Lilli K. 2003. Descartes’s Concept of Mind. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Broughton, Janet. 2002. Descartes’s Method of Doubt. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
James, Susan. 1997. Passion and Action, the Emotions in Seventeenth-Century Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/0198250134.001.0001.
Pasnau, Robert. 2011. Metaphysical Themes 1274–1671. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199567911.001.0001.
Pereboom, Derk, ed. 1999. The Rationalists: Critical Essays on Descartes, Spinoza, and Leibniz. Critical Essays on the Classics. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.