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Ivan A. Sag (sag)

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    Barlow, Michael, Flickinger, Daniel and Sag, Ivan A., eds. 1982. Developments in Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar. 310 Lindley Hall, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 46405: Indiana University Linguistics Club.
    Barwise, Jon K. and Sag, Ivan A., eds. 1980. Stanford Working Papers in Semantics, Volume 1. Stanford, California: Stanford Cognitive Science Group.
    Fodor, Janet Dean and Sag, Ivan A. 1982. Referential and Quantificational Indefinites.” Linguistics and Philosophy 5(3): 355–398. Reprinted in Ludlow (1996, 475–521).
    Gazdar, Gerald, Klein, Ewan, Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Sag, Ivan A. 1985. Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Gazdar, Gerald, Pullum, Geoffrey K. and Sag, Ivan A. 1981. Auxiliaries and Related Phenomena in a Restrictive Theory of Grammar. 310 Lindley Hall, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana 46405: Indiana University Linguistics Club.
    Gazdar, Gerald and Sag, Ivan A. 1981. Passive and Reflexives in Phrase Structure Grammar.” in ILLC. Formal Methods in the Study of Language: Proceedings of the 3rd Amsterdam Colloquium on Formal Methods in the Study of Language, edited by Jeroen A. G. Groenendijk, Theo M. V. Janssen, and Martin B. J. Stokhof, pp. 131–152. University of Amsterdam, Holland, Institute for Logic, Language; Computation: ILLC Publications.
    Ginzburg, Jonathan and Sag, Ivan A. 1999. Constructional Ambiguity in Conversation.” in ILLC. Proceedings of the Twelfth Amsterdam Colloquium, edited by Paul J. E. Dekker and Martin B. J. Stokhof, pp. 31–36. University of Amsterdam, Holland, Institute for Logic, Language; Computation: ILLC Publications.
    Joshi, Arivind K., Webber, Bonnie Lynn and Sag, Ivan A., eds. 1981. Elements of Discourse Understanding – Proceedings of the Pennsylvania Workshop on Computational Aspects of Linguistic Structure and Discourse Setting. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Klein, Ewan and Sag, Ivan A. 1985. Type-Driven Translation.” Linguistics and Philosophy 8(2): 163–201.
    Liberman, Mark and Sag, Ivan A. 1974. Prosodic Effects on Discourse Function.” in CLS-10. Proceedings of the Tenth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society, edited by Michael LaGaly, Robert A. Fox, and Anthony Bruck, pp. 416–427. Goodspeed Hall, 1050 East 59th Street, Chicago, Illinois: Chicago Linguistics Society.
    Nunberg, Geoffrey, Sag, Ivan A. and Wasow, Thomas A. 1994. Idioms.” Language 70: 491–538.
    Pollard, Carl J. and Sag, Ivan A. 1983. Reflexives and Reciprocals in English: An Alternative to the Binding Theory.” in Proceedings of the 2nd West Coast Conference on Formal Linguistics, edited by Michael Barlow, Daniel Flickinger, and M. T. Westcoat, pp. 189–203. Stanford, California: Stanford Linguistics Association.
    Pollard, Carl J. and Sag, Ivan A. 1987. Information-Based Syntax and Semantics. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
    Pollard, Carl J. and Sag, Ivan A. 1994. Head-Driven Phrase Structure Grammar. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
    Sag, Ivan A. 1974. On the State of Progress in Progressives and Statives.” in New Ways of Analyzing Variation in English, edited by Ralph Fasold and Roger Schuy, pp. 83–95. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press.
    Sag, Ivan A., ed. 1980. Stanford Working Papers in Grammatical Theory. Stanford, California: Stanford Cognitive Science Group.
    Sag, Ivan A. 1981. Formal Semantics and Extralinguistic Context.” in Radical Pragmatics, edited by Peter Cole, pp. 273–293. New York: Academic Press.
    Sag, Ivan A. 1983. On Parasitic Gaps.” Linguistics and Philosophy 6(1): 35–45.
    Sag, Ivan A. 1997. English Relative Clause Constructions.” Journal of Linguistics 33: 431–484.
    Sag, Ivan A., Gazdar, Gerald and Wasow, Thomas A. 1984. Coordination and How to Distinguish Categories.” CSLI–84–3. Stanford, California: Center for the Study of Language; Information.
    Sag, Ivan A. and Hankamer, Jorge. 1984. Toward a Theory of Anaphoric Processing.” Linguistics and Philosophy 7(3): 325–345.
    Sag, Ivan A. and Liberman, Mark. 1975. The Intonational Disambiguation of Indirect Speech Acts.” in CLS-11. Proceedings of the Eleventh Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society, edited by Robin Grossman, Jim San, and Tim Vance, pp. 487–497. Goodspeed Hall, 1050 East 59th Street, Chicago, Illinois: Chicago Linguistics Society.
    Sag, Ivan A. and de Swart, Henriëtte. 2002. Negation and Negative Concord in Romance.” Linguistics and Philosophy 25(4): 373–417.
    Sag, Ivan A. and Szabolcsi, Anna, eds. 1992. Lexical Matters. CSLI Lecture Notes n. 24. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
    Sag, Ivan A. and Wasow, Thomas A. 1999. Syntactic Theory: A Formal Introduction. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.

Further References

    Ludlow, Peter J., ed. 1996. Readings in the Philosophy of Language. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.