Currently, I am a Research Assocaite at the University of Bristol. Before moving to Bristol, I held positions in Amsterdam, Cambridge and Munich. As a member of the Dialetica Editorial Commitee, I read papers mostly on logic, the philosophy of mathematics, and deflationism, and some on metaphysics and the philosophy of language.

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    Beringer, Timo and Schindler, Thomas. 2016. Reference Graphs and Semantic Paradox.” in The Logica Yearbook 2015, edited by Pavel Arazim and Michal Dančák, pp. 1–16. London: College Publications.
    Ketland, Jeffrey and Schindler, Thomas. 2016. Arithmetic with Fusions.” Logique et Analyse 59(234): 207–226.
    Picollo, Lavinia and Schindler, Thomas. 2018. Deflationism and the Function of Truth.” in Philosophical Perspectives 32: Philosophy of Language, edited by John Hawthorne and Jason Turner, pp. 326–351. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc., doi:10.1111/phpe.12113.