Jeffrey Ketland (ketland)
Mentioned on the following portal pages
Articles of Dialectica, Artifact Concept Pluralism, Weyl, Gödel and the Grundlagenstreit, Should we Hope Apparent Atrocities Are Illusory?, On the Plurality of Parts of ClassesCited in the following articles
Axiomatization of Galilean SpacetimeContributions to
Ketland, Jeffrey. 1999. “Deflationism and Tarski’s Paradise.” Mind 108: 69–94.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2000a. “A Proof of the (Strengthened) Liar Formula in a Semantical Extension of Peano Arithmetic.” Analysis 60(1): 1–4.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2000b. “Conservativeness and Translation-Dependent T-Schemes.” Analysis 60(4): 319–328.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2002. “Hume = Small Hume.” Analysis 62(1): 92–93.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2003a. “On Wright’s Inductive Definition of Coherence Truth for Arithmetic.” Analysis 63(1): 6–15.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2003b. “Can a Many-Valued Language Functionally Represent Its Own Semantics?” Analysis 63(4): 292–297.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2004a. “Empirical Adequacy and Ramsification.” The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 55(2): 287–300.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2004b. “Bueno and Colyvan on Yablo’s Paradox [on Bueno and Colyvan (2003)].” Analysis 64(2): 165–172.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2005a. “Deflationism and the Gödel Phenomena: Reply to Tennant (2005).” Mind 114(453): 75–88.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2005b. “Yablo’s Paradox and \(\omega\)-Inconsistency.” Synthese 145(3): 295–302.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2005c. “Jacquette on Grelling’s Paradox [on Jacquette (2004)].” Analysis 65(2): 258–260.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2005d. “Some More Curious Inferences.” Analysis 65(1): 18–24.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2006. “Structuralism and the Identity of Indiscernibles.” Analysis 66(292): 303–315.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2007. “A Comment on Bermúdez concerning the Definability of Identity.” Analysis 67(4): 315–318.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2009a. “Beth’s Theorem and Deflationism – Reply to Bays (2009).” Mind 118(472): 1075–1079.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2009b. “Empirical Adequacy and Ramsification, II.” in Proceedings of the 31st International Wittgenstein Symposium: Reduction – Abstraction – Analysis, edited by Alexander Hieke and Hannes Leitgeb, pp. 29–46. Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (new series) n. 11. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2009c. “Truth.” in Central Issues of Philosophy, edited by John Shand, pp. 10–23. Stocksfield: Acumen Publishing.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2010. “Truth, Conservativeness, and Provability: Reply to Cieśliński (2010).” Mind 119(474): 423–436.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2011a. “Identity and Indiscernibility.” The Review of Symbolic Logic 4(2): 171–185.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2011b. “Nominalistic Adequacy.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 111(2): 201–217.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2012. “Validity as a Primitive.” Analysis 72(3): 421–430.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2014. “There’s Glory for You!” Philosophy 89(1): 3–29.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2021. “Foundations of Applied Mathematics I.” Synthese 199(1-2): 4151–4193, doi:10.1007/s11229-020-02973-w.
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2022. “A Formalization of Boolos’s ‘Curious Inference’ in Isabelle/HOL.” Archive for Formal Proofs,
Ketland, Jeffrey. 2023. “Axiomatization of Galilean Spacetime.” Dialectica 77(2), doi:10.48106/dial.v77.i2.02.
Further References
Bays, Timothy. 2009. “Beth’s Theorem and Deflationism.” Mind 118(472): 1061–1073.
Cieśliński, Cezary. 2010. “Truth, Conservativeness, and Provability.” Mind 119(474): 409–422.
Jacquette, Dale. 2004. “Grelling’s Revenge.” Analysis 64(3): 251–256.
Tennant, Neil W. 2005. “Deflationism and the Gödel Phenomena: Reply to Ketland (2005a).” Mind 114(453): 89–96.