Karl Schlechta (schlechta)
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Brewka, Gerhard, Makinson, David C. and Schlechta, Karl. 1991. “Cumulative Inference Relations for JTMS and Logic Programming.” in Nonmonotonic and Inductive Logics, edited by Jürgen Dix, Klaus P. Jantke, and Peter H. Schmidt, pp. 1–12. Berlin: Springer.
Lehmann, Daniel J., Magidor, Menachem and Schlechta, Karl. 1996. “Distance Semantics for Belief Revision.” in TARK 1996. Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning about Knowledge: Proceedings of the Sixth Conference, edited by Yoav Shoham, pp. 137–145. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers. Republished as Lehmann, Magidor and Schlechta (2001).
Lehmann, Daniel J., Magidor, Menachem and Schlechta, Karl. 2001. “Distance Semantics for Belief Revision.” The Journal of Symbolic Logic 66(1): 295–317.
Makinson, David C. and Schlechta, Karl. 1991. “Floating Conclusions and Zombie Paths: Two Deep Difficulties in the ‘Directly Skeptical’ Approach to Defeasible Inheritance Networks.” Artificial Intelligence 48(2): 199–209.
Schlechta, Karl. 1970. “Sind Physik und Philosophie am Ende?” Dialectica 24(1–3): 205–214.
Schlechta, Karl. 1991. “Some Results on Theory Revision.” in The Logic of Theory Change, edited by André Fuhrmann and Michael Morreau, pp. 72–92. Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence n. 465. Berlin: Springer.
Schlechta, Karl. 1992. Results on Non-Monotonic Logics. Yorktown Heights, New York: IBM.
Schlechta, Karl. 1996a. “Completeness and Incompleteness for Plausibility Logic.” Journal of Logic, Language, and Information 5(2): 177–192.
Schlechta, Karl. 1996b. “Some Completeness Results for Classical Preferential Logics.” in Logic, Action, and Information: Essays on Logic in Philosophy and Artificial Intelligence, edited by André Fuhrmann and Hans Rott, pp. 229–237. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Schlechta, Karl. 1997. Nonmonotonic Logics. Berlin: Springer.
Schlechta, Karl. 2000. “New Techniques and Completeness Results for Preferential Structures.” The Journal of Symbolic Logic 65(2): 719–746.
Schlechta, Karl. 2007. “Nonmonotonic Logics: A Preferential Approach.” in Handbook of the History of Logic. Volume 8: The Many Valued and Non-Monotonic Turn in Logic, edited by Dov M. Gabbay and John Woods, pp. 451–516. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.