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Jerry Seligman (seligman-j)

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    Barwise, Jon K. and Seligman, Jerry. 1993. Imperfect Information Flow.” in IEEE Proceedings of the 8th Annual IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science. New York: IEEE Computer Science Press.
    Barwise, Jon K. and Seligman, Jerry. 1994. The Rights and Wrongs of Natural Regularity.” in Philosophical Perspectives 8: Logic and Language, edited by James E. Tomberlin, pp. 331–364. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Barwise, Jon K. and Seligman, Jerry. 1997. Information Flow: The Logic of Distributed Systems. Cambridge Tracts in Theoretical Computer Science n. 44. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Blackburn, Patrick and Seligman, Jerry. 1995. Hybrid Languages.” Journal of Logic, Language, and Information 2(3): 251–272.
    Blackburn, Patrick and Seligman, Jerry. 1998. What are Hybrid Languages? in Advances in Modal Logic, volume I, edited by Marcus Kracht, Maarten de Rijke, and Heinrich Theodor Wansing, pp. 41–62. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
    Girard, Patrick, Seligman, Jerry and Liu, Fenrong. 2012. General Dynamic Dynamic Logic.” in Advances in Modal Logic, volume IX, edited by Thomas Bolander, Torben Braüner, Silvio Ghilardi, and Lawrence S. Moss, pp. 239–260. London: King’s College Publications.
    Liu, Fenrong, Seligman, Jerry and Girard, Patrick. 2014. Logical Dynamics of Belief Change in the Community.” Synthese 191(11): 2403–2431.
    Mares, Edwin D., Seligman, Jerry and Restall, Greg. 2011. Situations, Constraints and Channels.” in Handbook of Logic and Language, edited by Johan van Benthem and Alice G. B. ter Meulen, 2nd ed., pp. 329–344. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. First edition: van Benthem and ter Meulen (1997).
    Moss, Lawrence S. and Seligman, Jerry. 1994. Classification Domains and Information Links: A Brief Survey.” in Logic and Information Flow, edited by Jan van Eijck and Albert Visser, pp. 112–124. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Seligman, Jerry. 1990. Perspectives in Situation Theory.” in Situation Theory and Its Applications, Volume 1, volume 1, edited by Robin Cooper, Kuniaki Mukai, and John R. Perry, pp. 147–192. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
    Seligman, Jerry. 1991. Physical Situations and Information Flow.” in Situation Theory and Its Applications, Volume 2, volume 2, edited by Jon K. Barwise, Jean Mark Gawron, Gordon D. Plotkin, and Syun Tutiya, pp. 257–292. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
    Seligman, Jerry. 1999. The Substance of Deflation.” in Truth and its Nature (if any), edited by Jaroslav Peregrin, pp. 173–186. Synthese Library n. 284. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Seligman, Jerry and Meulen, Alice G. B. ter. 1995. Dynamic Aspect Trees.” in Applied Logic: How, What, and Why? Logical Approaches to Natural Language, edited by László Pólos and Michael Masuch, pp. 287–287. Synthese Library n. 247. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Seligman, Jerry and Moss, Lawrence S. 1997. Situation Theory.” in Handbook of Logic and Language, edited by Johan van Benthem and Alice G. B. ter Meulen, pp. 239–307. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Second edition: van Benthem and ter Meulen (2011).
    Seligman, Jerry and Moss, Lawrence S. 2011. Situation Theory.” in Handbook of Logic and Language, edited by Johan van Benthem and Alice G. B. ter Meulen, 2nd ed., pp. 253–327. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. First edition: Seligman and Moss (1997).
    Seligman, Jerry and Westerståhl, Dag, eds. 1996. Logic, Language and Computation .Volume 1. CSLI Lecture Notes n. 58. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
    Westerståhl, Dag, Engdahl, Elisabeth, Etchemendy, John, Seligman, Jerry and Sirai, Hidetosi, eds. 1994. Proceedings of the Conference on Information-Oriented Approaches to Language, Logic and Computation. Moraga, California: CSLI/University of Chicago Press.