William R. Stoeger (stoeger-wr)
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Burrell, David B., Cogliati, Carlo, Soskice, Janet Martin and Stoeger, William R., eds. 2010. Creation and the God of Abraham. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Murphy, Nancey, Russell, Robert John and Stoeger, William R., eds. 2007. Physics and Cosmology. Scientific Perspectives on the Problem of Evil. Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
Russell, Robert John, Murphy, Nancey and Stoeger, William R., eds. 2009. Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action. Twenty Years of Challenge and Progress. Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
Russell, Robert John, Stoeger, William R. and Ayala, Francisco José, eds. 1998. Evolutionary and Molecular Biology. Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action. Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
Stoeger, William R. 1995. “Describing God’s Action in the World in Light of Scientific Knowledge of Reality.” in Chaos and Complexity. Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action, edited by Robert John Russell, Nancey Murphy, and Arthur Robert Peacocke, pp. 239–262. Scientific Perspectives on Divine Action. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. Reprinted in Shults, Murphy and Russell (2009, 111–140).
Stoeger, William R. 2010a. “God, Physics and the Big Bang.” in The Cambridge Companion to Science and Religion, edited by Peter Harrison, pp. 173–189. Cambridge Companions to Religion. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Stoeger, William R. 2010b. “The Big Bang, Quantum Cosmology and creatio ex nihilo.” in Creation and the God of Abraham, edited by David B. Burrell, Carlo Cogliati, Janet Martin Soskice, and William R. Stoeger, pp. 152–175. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Stoeger, William R. 2011. “Rationality and Wonder: From Scientific Cosmology to Philosophy and Theology.” in Astronomy and Civilization in the New Enlightenment, edited by Anna-Teresa Tymieniecka and Attila Grandpierre, pp. 259–268. Analecta Husserliana n. 107. Dordrecht: Springer.