Mark Textor (textor)
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Allott, Nicholas and Textor, Mark. 2017. “Lexical Modulation without Concepts.”
Dialectica 71(3): 399–424.
Brandl, Johannes L. and Textor, Mark. 2018. “Brentano’s Theory of Judgement.” in
The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research
Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Brandl, Johannes L. and Textor, Mark. 2022. “Brentano’s Theory of Judgement.” in
The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research
Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Carston, Robyn, Pritchard, Timothy and Textor, Mark. 2017. “Introduction [to special issue ‘Word Meaning – What
It Is and What It is Not’].” Dialectica
71(3): 335–336.
McCabe, Mary Margaret and Textor, Mark, eds. 2007. Perspectives on Perception. Papers offered to Alan
Lacey. Philosophische Forschung / Philosophical
Research n. 6. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Moltmann, Friederike and Textor, Mark, eds. 2017a. Act-Based Conceptions of Propositional
Content. Contemporary and Historical Perspectives. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Moltmann, Friederike and Textor, Mark. 2017b.
“Introduction.” in Act-Based Conceptions of Propositional
Content. Contemporary and Historical Perspectives, edited by
Friederike Moltmann and Mark Textor, pp. vii–xviii. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Segal, Gabriel M. A. and Textor, Mark. 2015. “Hope as a Primitive Mental State.”
Ratio 28(2): 207–222.
Siebel, Mark and Textor, Mark, eds. 2004. Semantik und
Ontologie – Beiträge zur philosophischen
Forschung. Philosophische Forschung / Philosophical
Research n. 2. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Stein, Christian and Textor, Mark, eds. 1996. Intentional Phenomena in Context: Papers from the 14th
Hamburg Colloquium on Cognitive Science. Hamburg:
Universität Hamburg.
Textor, Mark. 1996. Bolzanos
Propositionalismus. Quellen und Studien zur
Philosophie n. 41. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Textor, Mark. 1997a. “Bolzano’s Sententialism.” Grazer
Philosophische Studien 53. “Bolzano and Analytic
Philosophy,” ed. by Wolfgang Künne, Mark Siebel and
Mark Textor.
Textor, Mark. 1997b.
“Sachverhalte als Konstanten der
Kommunikation.” in Analyomen 2. Volume II:
Philosophy of Language, Metaphysics, edited by Georg Meggle, pp. 299–307. Perspektiven der
analytischen Philosophie / Perspectives in Analytic Philosophy
n. 17. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Textor, Mark. 1998a. “Rigidity and De Jure Rigidity.”
Teorema 17(1): 45–59.
Textor, Mark. 1998b. “The Semantic Challenge to Russell’s
Principle.” The Electronic Journal of Analytic
Philosophy 6.
Textor, Mark. 1999. “Bolzano
über die Unvergänglichkeit der
Seele.” in Bernard Bolzanos geistiges Erbe
für das 21. Jahrhundert, edited by Edgar Morscher, pp. 269–294.
Beiträge zur Bolzano-Forschung n. 11. Sankt
Augustin b. Bonn: Academia Verlag.
Textor, Mark. 2001a.
“Logically Analytic Propositions: A
Posteriori?” History of Philosophy Quarterly
18(1): 91–113.
Textor, Mark. 2001b. “ ‘Portraying’ a Proposition.”
Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 63(1): 137–161.
Textor, Mark. 2002. “Review of Perry (2001).”
Philosophy 77(3): 457–461.
Textor, Mark. 2003a. “Bolzano
sur le temps et la persistance.” Philosophiques
Textor, Mark. 2003b. “ ‘Caius-at-Noon’ or Bolzano on Tense and
Persistence.” History of Philosophy Quarterly
20(1): 81–102.
Textor, Mark, ed. 2004a. Neue
Theorien der Referenz. map – mentis anthologien
philosophie. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Textor, Mark. 2004b. “Reconstructing Frege [on Sainsbury (2002)].”
Philosophical Books 45(3): 197–208.
Textor, Mark. 2004c. “What Brentano Criticizes in Reid.”
British Journal for the History of Philosophy 12(1): 75–92.
Textor, Mark. 2005a.
Über Sinn und Bedeutung von
Eigennamen. Mind Knowledge Communication.
Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Textor, Mark. 2005b. “Truth via Sentential Quantification [review of Künne
(2003)].” Dialogue. Revue canadienne de
philosophie / Canadian Philosophical Review 44(3): 539–550.
Textor, Mark. 2005c. “Review of Sainsbury (2002).”
Erkenntnis 62: 137–144.
Textor, Mark, ed. 2006a. The Austrian Contribution to Analytic
Philosophy. London Studies in the
History of Philosophy. London: Routledge.
Textor, Mark. 2006b. “Brentano (and Some Neo-Brentanians) on Inner
Consciousness.” Dialectica 60(4): 411–432.
Textor, Mark. 2007a. “Frege’s Theory of Hybrid Proper Names Developed and
Defended.” Mind 116(464): 947–982.
Textor, Mark. 2007b.
“Brentano on the Doxastic Nature of Perceptual
Experience.” in Geschichte der Philosophie des
Geistes, edited by Uwe Meixner and Albert Newen, pp. 137–156. Logical Analysis and
History of Philosophy n. 10. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Textor, Mark. 2007c. “Seeing Something and Believing In It.” in
Perspectives on Perception. Papers offered to
Alan Lacey, edited by Mary Margaret McCabe and Mark Textor, pp. 65–86. Philosophische
Forschung / Philosophical Research n. 6. Heusenstamm
b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Textor, Mark. 2008.
“P.F. Strawson – Substanzen und identifizierende
Bezugnahme.” in Substantia – sic et non: eine
Geschichte des Substanzbegriffs von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart in
Einzelbeiträgen, edited by Holger Gutschmidt, Antonella Lang-Balestra, and Gianluigi Segalerba, pp. 499–520. Philosophische
Analyse / Philosophical Analysis n. 27. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt:
Ontos Verlag.
Textor, Mark. 2009a. “Unsaturatedness: Wittgenstein’s Challenge, Frege’s
Answer.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society
109(1): 61–82.
Textor, Mark. 2009b. “Are Particulars or States of Affairs Given in
Perception?” in States of
Affairs, edited by Maria Elisabeth Reicher, pp. 129–150. Philosophische
Analyse / Philosophical Analysis n. 30. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt:
Ontos Verlag.
Textor, Mark. 2009c. “Exemplification and Idealisation.” in
From Logic to Art. Themes from Nelson
Goodman, edited by Gerhard Ernst, Jakob Steinbrenner, and Oliver R. Scholz, pp. 207–218. Philosophische
Forschung / Philosophical Research n. 7. Heusenstamm
b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Textor, Mark. 2009d. “Feine
Unterschiede und Demonstrative Begriffe.” in
Wahrnehmung und Wirklichkeit, edited by Richard
Schantz, pp. 77–94. Philosophische
Analyse / Philosophical Analysis n. 31. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt:
Ontos Verlag.
Textor, Mark. 2010a. Frege on Sense and Reference. Routledge
Philosophy Guidebook. London: Routledge.
Textor, Mark. 2010b. “Frege on Conceptual and Propositional
Analysis.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 81:
235–257. “New Perspectives on Concepts,” ed. by
Julia Langkau and Christian Nimtz.
Textor, Mark. 2010c. “Frege’s Concept Paradox and the Mirroring
Principle.” The Philosophical Quarterly 60(238):
Textor, Mark. 2010d. “Frege on Judging as Acknowledging the
Truth.” Mind 119(475): 615–655.
Textor, Mark. 2010e. “Does
Strawson Answer Ramsey’s Challenge?” in
P.F. Strawson – Ding und Begriff / Object and
Concept, edited by Sarah-Jane Conrad and Silvan Imhof, pp. 35–50. Logos n. 18.
Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, doi:10.1515/9783110323702.
Textor, Mark. 2011a. “Sense-Only-Signs: Frege on Fictional Proper
Names.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 82:
375–400. “Themes from Early Analytic Philosophy. Essays in
Honour of Wolfgang Künne,” ed. by Benjamin Schnieder
and Moritz Schulz.
Textor, Mark. 2011b. “Knowing the Facts [on Hossack (2007)].”
Dialectica 65(1): 75–86.
Textor, Mark. 2011c. “Is ‘No’ a Force-Indicator?
No!” Analysis 71(3): 448–456.
Textor, Mark. 2011d. “(Frege on) Sense and Reference.” in
Semantics: An International Handbook of Natural
Language Meaning. Volume 1, edited by Claudia Maienborn, Klaus von Heusinger, and Paul H. Portner, pp. 25–48. Handbooks of Linguistics and Communication Science
n. 33.1. Berlin: de Gruyter Monton, doi:10.1515/9783110226614.
Textor, Mark. 2011e. “Frege’s Two Concepts of Predication.”
Unpublished manuscript.
Textor, Mark. 2012. “States of Affairs.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
Textor, Mark, ed. 2013a. Judgement and Truth in Early Analytic Philosophy and
Phenomenology. History of Analytic
Philosophy. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, doi:10.1057/9781137286338.
Textor, Mark. 2013b.
“Introduction.” in Judgement and Truth in Early Analytic Philosophy and
Phenomenology, edited by Mark Textor, pp. 1–8. History
of Analytic Philosophy. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave
Macmillan, doi:10.1057/9781137286338.
Textor, Mark. 2013c. “Bolzano on Conceptual and Intuitive Truth: The Point and
Purpose of the Distinction.” Canadian Journal of
Philosophy 43(1): 13–36.
Textor, Mark. 2013d. “Bolzano on the Source of Necessity: A Reply to
Rusnock.” British Journal for the History of
Philosophy 21(2): 381–392.
Textor, Mark. 2013e. “ ‘Thereby We Have Broken with the Old Logical
Dualism’ – Reinach on Negative Judgement and
Negation.” British Journal for the History of
Philosophy 21(3): 570–590.
Textor, Mark. 2013f. “Review of Potter and Ricketts
(2010).” British Journal for the History of
Philosophy 21(1): 189–200.
Textor, Mark. 2013g. “Unity Without Self: Brentano on the Unity of
Consciousness.” in Themes from
Brentano, edited by Denis Fisette and Guillaume Fréchette, pp. 67–85. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Textor, Mark. 2013h. “Review of Tassone (2012).”
Grazer Philosophische Studien 88: 285–287.
Textor, Mark. 2015a. “Meaning, Entertaining, and Phantasy
Judgement.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 91:
285–302. “Themes from Ontology, Mind, and Logic. Present
and Past – Essays in Honour of Peter Simons,” ed. by Sandra
Textor, Mark. 2015b. “Frege’s Theory of Hybrid Proper Names
Extended.” Mind 124(495): 823–847.
Textor, Mark. 2015c. “ ‘Inner Perception Can Never Become Inner
Observation’: Brentano on Awareness and
Observation.” Philosophers’ Imprint 15(10).
Textor, Mark. 2016a. “Vacuous Names in Early Analytic Philosophy: Frege,
Russell, and Moore.” Philosophy Compass 11(6):
Textor, Mark. 2016b. “States of Affairs.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
Textor, Mark. 2017a. Brentano’s Mind. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199685479.001.0001.
Textor, Mark. 2017b. “Brentano on Consciousness.” in The Routledge Handbook of Franz Brentano and the Brentano
School, edited by Uriah Kriegel, pp. 49–60. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London:
Textor, Mark. 2017c. “From Mental Holism to the Soul and Back.”
The Monist 100(1): 133–154.
Textor, Mark. 2017d. “Judgment, Perception, and Predication.” in
Act-Based Conceptions of Propositional
Content. Contemporary and Historical Perspectives, edited by
Friederike Moltmann and Mark Textor, pp. 290–306. Oxford: Oxford University
Textor, Mark. 2017e. “Towards a Neo-Brentanian Theory of
Existence.” Philosophers’ Imprint 17(6).
Textor, Mark. 2020. “How Many Terms Does a Judgement Have? Jerusalem Versus
Brentano.” in Franz Brentano and
Austrian Philosophy, edited by Denis Fisette, Guillaume Fréchette, and Friedrich Stadler, pp. 235–250. Vienna Circle
Institute Yearbook n. 24. Berlin: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-40947-0.
Textor, Mark. 2021a. The Disappearance of the Soul and the Turn Against
Metaphysics: Austrian Philosophy 1874–1918. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198769828.001.0001.
Textor, Mark. 2021b. “States of Affairs.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
Textor, Mark. 2022a. “Grounding, Simplicity, and Repetition.” in
Bolzano’s Philosophy of Grounding. Translations
and Studies, edited by Stefan Roski and Benjamin Sebastian Schnieder, pp. 301–318. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780192847973.001.0001.
Textor, Mark. 2022b. “On a Neglected Fregean Motive for Distinguishing Between
Content and Force.” in Force,
Content and the Unity of the Proposition, edited by Gabriele
M. Mras and Michael Schmitz, pp. 215–234. London: Routledge.
Textor, Mark. n.d. “Against
Structured Propositions.” Unpublished
Textor, Mark and Benoist, Jocelyn. 2000. “Bolzano et
Husserl sur l’analyticité.” Les
Études Philosophiques 54(4): 435–454.
Further References
Hossack, Keith G. 2007. The Metaphysics of Knowledge. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199206728.001.0001.
Künne, Wolfgang. 2003. Conceptions of Truth. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/0199241317.001.0001.
Perry, John R. 2001. Knowledge, Possibility, and Consciousness.
Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
Potter, Michael D. and Ricketts, Thomas G., eds. 2010. The Cambridge Companion to Frege. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge:
Cambridge University Press.
Sainsbury, Richard Mark, ed. 2002.
Departing from Frege. Essays in the Philosophy
of Language. London: Routledge.
Tassone, Biagio Gerard. 2012. From Psychology to Phenomenology. Franz Brentano’s
Psychology from an Empirical Standpoint and Contemporary
Philosophy of Mind. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave