Patrick Toner (toner-p)
Cited in the following articles
The Problem of Thomistic PartsContributions to
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Toner, Patrick. 2006. “Contingently Existing Propositions?” Philosophical Studies 129(3): 421–434.
Toner, Patrick. 2007a. “An Old Argument Against Co-location.” Metaphysica 8(1): 45–51.
Toner, Patrick. 2007b. “Thomas versus Tibbles: A Critical Study of Christopher Brown’s Aquinas and the Ship of Theseus.” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 81(4): 639–653.
Toner, Patrick. 2008a. “The Prayer of the Molinist.” The Heythrop Journal 49: 940–947.
Toner, Patrick. 2008b. “Emergent Substance.” Philosophical Studies 141(3): 281–297, doi:10.1007/s11098-007-9160-6.
Toner, Patrick. 2009. “Personhood and Death in St. Thomas Aquinas.” History of Philosophy Quarterly 26(2): 121–138.
Toner, Patrick. 2010a. “St. Thomas Aquinas on Death and the Separated Soul.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 91: 587–599.
Toner, Patrick. 2010b. “On Substance.” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 84(1): 25–48.
Toner, Patrick. 2011a. “Independence Accounts of Substance and Substantial Parts.” Philosophical Studies 155(1): 37–43.
Toner, Patrick. 2011b. “Hylemorphic Animalism.” Philosophical Studies 155(1): 65–81, doi:10.1007/s11098-010-9522-3.
Toner, Patrick. 2011c. “On Hylemorphism and Personal Identity.” European Journal of Philosophy 19(3): 454–473.
Toner, Patrick. 2011d. “Reading ‘is’ Existentially in Republic 476–480.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 19(2): 171–183.
Toner, Patrick. 2012a. “St. Thomas Aquinas on Punishing Souls.” International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 71(2): 103–116.
Toner, Patrick. 2012b. “St. Thomas Aquinas on the Problem of Too Many Thinkers.” The Modern Schoolman 89(3–4): 209–222, doi:10.5840/schoolman2012893/414.
Toner, Patrick. 2014a. “Hylemorphism, Remnant Persons and Personhood.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 44(1): 76–96, doi:10.1080/00455091.2014.891689.
Toner, Patrick. 2014b. “Critical Notice of Amerini (2013).” in Oxford Studies in Medieval Philosophy, volume II, pp. 212–230. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198718468.001.0001.
Toner, Patrick. 2015a. “St Thomas Aquinas on Mixture and the Gappy Existence of the Elements.” in Analytic Philosophy Meets Classical German Philosophy, edited by Albert Newen and Birgit Sandkaulen, pp. 255–267. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 18. Münster: Mentis Verlag.
Toner, Patrick. 2015b. “On Departing Hominization.” American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 89(2): 175–194.
Toner, Patrick. 2015c. “St. Thomas Aquinas on Gappy Existence.” Analytic Philosophy 56(1): 94–110.
Further References
Amerini, Fabrizio. 2013. Aquinas on the Beginning and End of Human Life. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Translated by Mark Henninger.