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Rafal Urbaniak (urbaniak)

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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

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    Urbaniak, Rafal. 2008a. Leśniewski and Russell’s Paradox: Some Problems.” History and Philosophy of Logic 29(2): 115–146.
    Urbaniak, Rafal. 2008b. Time Travel and Conditional Logics.” in The Logica Yearbook 2007, edited by Michal Peliš, pp. 247–254. Praha: Filosofia. Nakladetelstvı́ Filosofického ústavu AV ČR.
    Urbaniak, Rafal. 2009. Leitgeb, ‘About’ Yablo.” Logique et Analyse 52(207): 239–254.
    Urbaniak, Rafal. 2011. How Not to Use the Church-Turing Thesis Against Platonism.” Philosophia Mathematica 19(1): 74–89.
    Urbaniak, Rafal. 2012a. Numbers and Propositions Versus Nominalists: Yellow Cards for Salmon & Soames.” Erkenntnis 77(3): 381–397.
    Urbaniak, Rafal. 2012b. ‘Platonic’ Thought Experiments: How on Earth? Synthese 187(2): 731–752.
    Urbaniak, Rafal. 2014a. Plural Quantifiers: A Modal Interpretation.” Synthese 191(7): 1605–1626.
    Urbaniak, Rafal. 2014b. Słupecki’s Generalized Mereology and Its Flaws.” History and Philosophy of Logic 35(3): 289–300.
    Urbaniak, Rafal and Di Bello, Marcello. 2021. Legal Probabilism.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
    Urbaniak, Rafal and Hämäri, K. Severi. 2012. Busting a Myth about Leśniewski and Definitions.” History and Philosophy of Logic 33(2): 159–189.