Manuela M. Veloso (veloso-mm)
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Asada, Minoru, Kitano, Hiroaki, Noda, Itsuki and Veloso, Manuela M. 1999. “RoboCup Today and Tomorrow – What We Have Learned.” Artificial Intelligence 110(2): 193–214.
Asada, Minoru, Veloso, Manuela M., Tambe, Miland, Noda, Itsuki, Kitano, Hiroaki and Kraetzschmar, Gerhard. 2000. “Overview of RoboCup-98.” The AI Magazine 21(1): 9–19.
Fujita, Masahito, Veloso, Manuela M., Uther, William, Asada, Minoru, Kitano, Hiroaki, Hugel, Vincent, Bonnin, Patrick, Bouramoué, Jean-Christophe and Blazevic, Pierre. 2000. “Vision, Strategy, and Localization Using the Sony Legged Robots at Rob oCup-98.” The AI Magazine 21(1): 47–56.
Smirnov, Yury V. and Veloso, Manuela M. 1996. “Representation Changes in Combinatorial Problems: Pigeonhole Principle Versus Integer Programming Relaxation.” in KR’96: Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, edited by Luigia Carlucci Aiello, Jon Doyle, and Stuart C. Shapiro, pp. 124–134. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Stone, Peter, Riley, Patrick and Veloso, Manuela M. 2000. “The CMUnited-99 Champion Simulator Team.” The AI Magazine 21(3): 33–40.
Stone, Peter and Veloso, Manuela M. 1999. “Task Decomposition, Dynamic Role Assignment, and Low-Bandwidth Communication for Real-Time Strategic Teamwork.” Artificial Intelligence 110(2): 241–273.
Stone, Peter, Veloso, Manuela M. and Riley, Patrick. 2000. “Cmunited-98 Simulator Team.” The AI Magazine 21(1): 20–28.
Teller, Astro and Veloso, Manuela M. 2000. “Internal Reinforcement in a Connectionist Genetic Programming Approach.” Artificial Intelligence 120(2): 165–198.
Veloso, Manuela M. 1992. “Automatic Storage, Retrieval, and Replay of Multiple Cases Using Derivational Analogy in prodigy.” in AAAI-92. Working Notes of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Computational Considerations in Supporting Incremental Modification and Reuse, pp. 131–136. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.