Berthold Wald (wald-b)
Prof. Dr. phil. habil. Berthold Wald ist Professor für Systematische Philosophie an der Theologischen Fakultät Paderborn.
My contributions to
Wald, Berthold. 1996.
“Accidens est formaliter ens: Duns Scotus on
Inherence in his Quaestiones subtilissimae on Aristotle’s
Metaphysics.” in Aristotle in Britain
during the Middle Ages. Proceedings of the international conference at
Cambridge 8-11 April 1994 organized by the
Société Internationale pour
l’Étude de la Philosophie
Médiévale, edited by John Marenbon, pp. 177–194. Rencontres de
Philosophie Médiévale n. 5. Turnhout:
Brepols Publishers.
Wald, Berthold. 2005.
Substantialität und
Personalität. Philosophie der Person in Antike und
Mittelalter. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Wald, Berthold. 2017. “Liebe
bedeutet Gutheissung.”, the Swiss
Portal for Philosophy,