Marilyn A. Walker (walker-ma)
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Hirschberg, Julia, Kamm, Candace and Walker, Marilyn A., eds. 1997. Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bridging Speech and NLP Together in Real Applications. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Horswill, Ian and Walker, Marilyn A., eds. 1995. AAAI-95. Working Notes of the 1995 AAAI Fall Symposium on Embodied Language and Action, Cambridge MA, November 1995. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Johnston, Michael, Bangalore, Srinivas, Vasireddy, Gunaranjan, Stent, Amanda, Ehlen, Patrick, Walker, Marilyn A., Whittaker, Steve and Maloor, Preetam. 2002. “MATCH: An Architecture for Multimodal Dialogue Systems.” in ACL-02. Proceedings of the 40th Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics, edited by Donia R. Scott and Toni Badia, pp. 376–383. Morristown, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Jordan, Pamela W. and Walker, Marilyn A. 1996. “Deciding to Remind During Collaborative Problem Solving: Empirical Evidence for Agent Strategies.” in AAAI-96. Proceedings of the Thirteenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and the Ninth Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, edited by William J. Clancey and Daniel S. Weld, pp. 16–23. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Litman, Diane J., Singh, Satinder P., Kearns, Michael J. and Walker, Marilyn A. 2000. “NJFun: A Reinforcement Spoken Dialogue System.” in ACL-00. ANLP/NAACL Workshop on Conversational Systems, edited by Candice L. Sidner, James F. Allen, Harald Aust, Philip R. Cohen, Justine Cassell, Laila Dybkjær, X. D. Huang, et al., pp. 17–20. Morristown, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Litman, Diane J., Walker, Marilyn A. and Kearns, Michael S. 1999. “Acquiring Knowledge of System Performance for Spoken Dialogue.” in IJCAI-99. Workshop on Knowledge and Reasoning in Practical Dialogue Systems, edited by Jan Alexandersson, pp. 73–80. Murray Hill, New Jersey: International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
Moore, Johanna D. and Walker, Marilyn A., eds. 1995. AAAI-95. Working Papers of the AAAI Spring Symposium on Empirical Methods in Discourse Interpretation and Generation. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Walker, Marilyn A. 1992a. “Informational Redundancy and Resource Bounds in Dialog.” ircs-92-25. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Institute for Research in Cognitive Science.
Walker, Marilyn A. 1992b. “Redundancy in Collaborative Dialogue.” in COLING’92: The Fourteenth International Conference on Computational Linguistics, pp. 345–351. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.
Walker, Marilyn A. 1993. “Informational Redundancy and Resource Bounds in Dialog.” PhD dissertation, University Park, Pennsylvania: Department of Computer & Information Science, University of Pennsylvania. Institute for Research in Cognitive Science report IRCS-93-45.
Walker, Marilyn A. 1995. “Rejection by Implicature.” in BLS-20. Proceedings of the Twentieth Meeting of the Berkeley Linguistics Society. University of California at Berkeley, Berkeley, California: Berkeley Linguistics Society.
Walker, Marilyn A. 1996a. “Limited Attention and Discourse Structure.” Computational Linguistics 22(2): 255–264.
Walker, Marilyn A. 1996b. “The Effect of Resource Limits and Task Complexity on Collaborative Planning in Dialogue.” Artificial Intelligence 85(1–2): 181–243.
Walker, Marilyn A. 1996c. “Inferring Acceptance and Rejection in Dialogue by Default Rules of Inference.” Unpublished manuscript, ATT Laboratories.
Walker, Marilyn A. 1997. “Centering, Anaphora Resolution, and Discourse Structure.” in Centering Theory in Discourse, edited by Marilyn A. Walker, Arivind K. Joshi, and Ellen F. Prince, pp. 401–435. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Walker, Marilyn A., ed. 1999. Towards Standards and Tools for Discourse Tagging: Proceedings of the Workshop. Somerset, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Walker, Marilyn A., Joshi, Arivind K. and Prince, Ellen F., eds. 1997a. Centering Theory in Discourse. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Walker, Marilyn A., Joshi, Arivind K. and Prince, Ellen F. 1997b. “Centering in Naturally Occurring Discourse: An Overview.” in Centering Theory in Discourse, edited by Marilyn A. Walker, Arivind K. Joshi, and Ellen F. Prince, pp. 1–28. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Walker, Marilyn A., Litman, Diane J., Kamm, Candace and Abella, Alicia. 1997a. “PARADISE: A Framework for Evaluating Spoken Dialogue Agents.” in ACL-97. Proceedings of the 35th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics and Eighth Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics, edited by Paul R. Cohen and Wolfgang Wahlster, pp. 271–280. Somerset, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
Walker, Marilyn A., Litman, Diane J., Kamm, Candace and Abella, Alicia. 1997b. “Evaluating Interactive Dialogue Systems: Extending Component Evaluation to Integrated System Evaluation.” in Interactive Spoken Dialog Systems: Bridging Speech and NLP Together in Real Applications, edited by Julia Hirschberg, Candace Kamm, and Marilyn A. Walker, pp. 1–8. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.