James J. Walsh (walsh-jj)
Contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Hyman, Arthur, Walsh, James J. and Williams, Thomas, eds. 2010. Philosophy in the Middle Ages. The Christian, Islamic, and Jewish Traditiions. 3rd ed. Indianapolis, Indiana: Hackett Publishing Co.
Morgenbesser, Sydney and Walsh, James J., eds. 1962. Freedom and Responsibility. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.
Walsh, James J. 1964a. Aristotle’s Conception of Moral Weakness. New York: Columbia University Press.
Walsh, James J. 1964b. “Is Buridan a Sceptic about Free Will?” Vivarium 2(1): 50–61.
Walsh, James J. 1966. “Nominalism and the Ethics: Some Remarks about Buridan’s Commentary.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 4(1): 1–13.
Walsh, James J. 1971. “The Socratic Denial of Akrasia.” in The Philosophy of Socrates. A Collection of Critical Essays, edited by Gregory Vlastos, pp. 235–263. London: MacMillan Publishing Co. Reprint of chapter 1 of Walsh (1964a).
Walsh, James J. 1980. “Teleology in the Ethics of Buridan.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 18(3): 265–286.
Walsh, James J. 1986. “Buridan on the Connection of the Virtues.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 24(4): 453–482.