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Lydia Wegener (wegener-l)

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    Speer, Andreas and Wegener, Lydia, eds. 2005. Meister Eckhart in Erfurt. Miscellanea Mediaevalia n. 32. Berlin: de Gruyter.
    Speer, Andreas and Wegener, Lydia, eds. 2006. Wissen über Grenzen. Arabisches Wissen und lateinisches Mittelalter. Miscellanea Mediaevalia n. 33. Berlin: de Gruyter.
    Wegener, Lydia. 2013. Eckhart and the World of Women’s Spirituality in the Context of the ‘Free Spirit’ and Marguerite Porete.” in A Companion to Meister Eckhart, edited by Jeremiah M. G. Hackett, pp. 415–444. Brill’s Companions to the Christian Tradition n. 36. Leiden: E.J. Brill.