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Ruth Weintraub (weintraub-r)

Cited in the following articles

The Dis-Unity of Humean Space


    Weintraub, Ruth. 1987. Dispositionalism and Decision.” Ratio 29: 591–596.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 1995. Practical Solutions to the Surprise-Examination Paradox.” Ratio 7: 161–169.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 1996. The Sceptical Life.” Dialectica 50(3): 225–234.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 1997a. The Sceptical Challenge. London: Routledge.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 1997b. The Cartesian Circle and Two Forms of Scepticism.” History of Philosophy Quarterly 14(4): 365–377.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 1998. The Spatiality of the Mental and the Mind-Body Problem.” Synthese 117(3): 409–417.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2001a. The Lottery: A Paradox Regained and Resolved.” Synthese 129: 439–449.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2001b. Logical Knowledge.” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 9(1): 3–18.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2002. Hume’s Associations.” Hume Studies 28(2): 231–246.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2003a. The Naturalistic Response to Scepticism.” Philosophy 78: 369–386.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2003b. Verificationism Revisited.” Ratio 16(1): 83–98.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2003c. A Non-Fideistic Reading of William James’s ‘The Will to Believe’ .” History of Philosophy Quarterly 20(1): 103–121.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2004a. On Sharp Boundaries for Vague Terms.” Synthese 138(2): 233–245.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2004b. Sleeping Beauty: A Simple Solution.” Analysis 64(1): 8–10.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2005. A Humean Conundrum.” Hume Studies 31(2): 211–224.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2006. What Descartes’ Demon Can Do and his Dream Cannot.” Theoria 72(4): 319–335.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2007a. Desire as Belief, Lewis Notwithstanding.” Analysis 67(2): 116–122.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2007b. Separability and Concept-Empiricism: Hume vs. Locke.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 15(4): 729–743, doi:10.1080/09608780701605010.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2007c. Locke vs. Hume: Who Is the Better Concept-Empiricist? Dialogue. Revue canadienne de philosophie / Canadian Philosophical Review 46(3): 481–500.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2008a. How Probable is an Infinite Sequence of Heads? A Reply to Williamson (2007).” Analysis 68(3): 247–250.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2008b. Skepticism about Induction.” in The Oxford Handbook of Skepticism, edited by John Greco, pp. 129–148. Oxford Handbooks. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780195183214.001.0001.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2008c. A Problem for Hume’s Theory of Induction.” Hume Studies 34(2): 169–187.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2009. The Doomsday Argument Revisited (a Stop in the Shooting-Room Included).” Polish Journal of Philosophy 3(2): 109–122.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2010. Hume on Local Conjunction and the Soul.” in David Hume: Epistemology and Metaphysics, edited by Helen Beebee and Markus Schrenk, pp. 122–131. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 13. Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2011a. Logic for Expressivists.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89(4): 601–616.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2011b. A Solution to the Discursive Dilemma.” Philosophical Studies 152(2): 181–188.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2011c. Humean Bodies.” History of Philosophy Quarterly 28(4): 373–387.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2012. What Can We Learn from Buridan’s Ass? Canadian Journal of Philosophy 42(3–4): 187–207.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2013a. Can Steadfast Peer Disagreement Be Rational? The Philosophical Quarterly 63(253): 740–759.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2013b. Induction and Inference to the Best Explanation.” Philosophical Studies 166(1): 203–216.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2016. The Problem of Induction Dissolved; but are We Better-Off? American Philosophical Quarterly 53(1): 69–83.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2017. Scepticism about Inference to the Best Explanation.” in Best Explanations. New Essays on Inference to the Best Explanation, edited by Kevin McCain and Ted Poston, pp. 188–202. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198746904.001.0001.
    Weintraub, Ruth. 2021. The Dis-Unity of Humean Space.” Dialectica 75(1), doi:10.48106/dial.v75.i1.04.

Further References

    Williamson, Timothy. 2007. How Probable is an Infinite Sequence of Heads? Analysis 67(3): 173–180.