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Horst Wessel (wessel-h)

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    Albrecht, Erhard and Wessel, Horst. 1979. Der Universalienstreit heute.” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 27(8): 988–998.
    Krampitz, Karl-Heinz, Scheffler, Uwe and Wessel, Horst. 1997. Time, Truth and Existence.” in Perspectives on Time, edited by Jan Faye, Uwe Scheffler, and Max Urchs, pp. 345–366. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 189. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
    Wessel, Horst. 1967. Zu einer Bedeutung des Terminus ‘absolute Wahrheit’ .” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 15(1): 80–84.
    Wessel, Horst. 1982. Vollständigkeit der nichttraditionellen Prädikationstheorie.” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 30(11): 1363–1368.
    Wessel, Horst. 1994a. The Identity of Strong Indiscernibility.” Logic and Logical Philosophy 2: 117–134. Special issue on Ontologic, Essays in Formal Ontology, ed. by Uwe Scheffler and Max Urchs.
    Wessel, Horst. 1994b. Alternative Logiken und empirische Wissenschaften.” in Analyomen 1: Proceedings of the 1st Conference “Perspectives in Analytical Philosophy” , edited by Georg Meggle and Ulla Wessels, pp. 168–176. Perspektiven der analytischen Philosophie / Perspectives in Analytic Philosophy n. 1. Berlin: de Gruyter.
    Wessel, Horst. 1997. Wider den Mythos intensionaler Kontexte.” in Analyomen 2. Volume I: Logic, Epistemology, Philosophy of Science, edited by Georg Meggle, pp. 163–173. Perspektiven der analytischen Philosophie / Perspectives in Analytic Philosophy n. 16. Berlin: de Gruyter.