Associazione studentesca Ratio

Ratio è un'associazione filosofica che organizza eventi e attività per coloro i quali hanno interesse per la filosofia.

Ratio aims at bringing together the community of Philosophy students in Lugano. The association is especially dedicated to BAF and MAP students. Most internal activites will be held in English, for accessibility reasons, but Ratio also aims at linking with the general community of Ticino, for example through public events and conferences. 


Research Colloquium

Ratio, the association of the students of ISFI and MAP, organizes weekly research colloquia.

The talks and the Q&A session usually last for an hour and a half.

Meetings can focus on any topic in philosophy, but for the most are on the subject areas of the MAP.

Talks are given by invited professors, and slots for presentations are open to the members of Ratio, to the philosophy students at the Università della Svizzera Italiana, and to colleagues from other universities.

When it is impossible to run the meetings in presence, Ratio carries on using Microsoft Teams.

Are you looking for being part of one such meetings? Contact to stay tuned about the upcoming events!

2023-2024 calendar can be found here

The Comeetee

Presidente: Andrea Salvador

Vice-presidente: Alessandro Giglia

Tesoriere: Jorge Bonet Gomez



Hamza Nasser

Alberto Movia

Simone Pinzin

Andrea Salvador

Pasquale Viola

Margherita Moro

Alessandro Giglia

Ariel Moshi

Paolo Gigli

Giovanni Codognato

Jonhatan Gentizon

Timothy Simich

Lorenzo Varese

Matteo Andre

Marco Rana