Newsletter October 2022





We are very pleased to be able to announce the monthly news of our association and our portal to you in this way.

Membership and Newsletter
First of all, we would like to invite you once again and all the more cordially to become a member of our association. As a member of the association you have the chance to help shape and to support us with your criticism and suggestions. Here you will find all the information you need. You are also welcome to forward this newsletter to interested people in your circle of acquaintances. To subscribe to the newsletter, click here. Of course, we are also very happy about other forms of support, be it financial or in terms of content!

Why study philosophy?

Why is it actually worth studying philosophy? Read here why studying philosophy can make perfect sense.

L'enlèvement d'Europe

Benjamin Efrati's comic strip on ancient philosophy and the emergence of Europe appears every two weeks in French on Immerse yourself in an artistic and humorous perspective on ancient philosophy here.

Sollen wir Raubtiere aussterben lassen?

An article by Sandro Räss about the suffering of wild animals and whether we should do something about it or not.

Das philosophische Wochenbuch - Eintrag 3 - Demokratie und Wahrheit I

Simon Kräuchi's third entry in the philosophical weekly book deals with the background to the curation of the thematic focus on democracy and truth.

Secondary schools

We continue to expand our 'Education' and 'Middle Schools' sections. This includes a list of introductory literature and two reviews of introductory works. Rafaela Scheiwiller reviews one of the most famous philosophical essays of the 20th century: "What is it like to be a bat?" by Thomas Nagel. Simon Kräuchi reviews Jonas Pfister's "Philosophy - A Textbook"

Che cos'è la filosofia della percezione?

In his article Andrea Giananti introduces the philosophiy of perception.

Neues Wissen, neue Macht?

A contribution on the historical roots of technocracy by Daniel Schulz.

Events and Announcements

Location and Mereology

The USI invites you to a workshop on "Location and Mereology" on 24. October 2022. Have a look at the programme here.

Toleranz leben – Toleranz verteidigen

On 25. October 2022 Joachim Gauck, former Federal President of Germany, will give a lecture on tolerance in Basel.

PGZ - Vortragsreihe 2022 - Feministische Philosophie

The Philosophical Society of Central Switzerland is organising a series of lectures on feminist philosophy. The third lecture on the topic "My Body, my Choice!" will take place on 26. October. The speaker is Stephanie Deig from the SW*IP.

SiP Talk #7

A panel discussion on the topic of scientific knowledge will take place in Zurich on 31. October 2022. Scientific knowledge is not infrequently provisional knowledge, it is subject to correction. Therefore, it cannot always satisfy the need for certainty and unambiguity that arises in the public as soon as political controversies are linked to questions of (scientific) knowledge. This is shown by the Corona pandemic, but not only by it. How can and should scientists deal with this problem, how should the media?

1st Swiss Animal-Environmental Ethics Network Meeting

Angela Martin and Ivo Wallimann are jointly organising the first Swiss Network Meeting for researchers in the field of environmental and animal ethics in Fribourg. You can find all further information here.

Lange Nacht der Philosophie 2022

The time will soon come! On the World Day of Philosophy, 17. November 2022, the 7th Long Night of Philosophy will take place in Zurich with 30 events around philosophy. Click here for the programme.

"Trotzdem lachen" - Eine kurze Philosophie des Humors

The Swiss philosopher Yves Bossart recently published a new book. In it, he illuminates with wit and philosophical flair a philosophically less considered but valuable topic: humour.

Job offers

The LMU in Munich has advertised a position for a research assistant (100%) in the Department of Practical Philosophy and Ethics. 

The University of Fribourg has announced a PhD position in the project "Principles of Ethical Decision-Making in Environmental Practice" (75%).


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