Newsletter January 2023




Swiss Philosophy Newsletter

Welcome to the newsletter of the philosophy portal! This way you will receive information about philosophy in Switzerland - don't hesitate to tell your acquaintances and discover our contents, the news on the portal and about our association.

At the General Assembly we decided that membership will be free  - become a member (one click is enough) and be invited to our General Assembly on the 1st of April in Biel/Bienne. 

Of course, we are also very happy about other forms of support, be it financial or in terms of content!


Christmas presents for Swiss philosophy
Two young Swiss philosophers have received ERC Starting Grants for their research projects, substituted by the SNSF due to Switzerland's exclusion from Horizon Europe (post on DailyNous). Baptiste Le Bihan will carry out his project "Space, Time and Causation in Quantum Gravity" in Geneva, Damiano Costa will work on "Temporal Existence" in Neuchâtel.  Congratulations! Together with the five new SNSF projects from the April call for projects, these projects will give Swiss philosophy an important boost, which is also reflected in the large number of job advertisements currently open.

Swiss Philosophy Olympiad
The Philosophy Olympiad goes into the second round. Out of 140 entries, 42 were selected to go one step further. The high school students will now write another essay on site at various secondary schools in Switzerland. With this, they can qualify for the final round in March 2023. In addition to the competition, they will also enjoy various philosophical workshops. Find out more on the Philosophy Olympiad website.

More news
Vincent Grandjean (Neuchâtel) has received the Prix Nexans.
From 1.1.2023, the SNSF no longer accepts embargo periods and requires immediate open access.
Read Michael Hampe in an interview in the SonntagsZeitung on self-realisation, the last Tagesanzeiger column by Barbara Bleisch, Donatella Di Cesare in the NZZ Folio on migration, Eduard Käser in the NZZ on identity politics - if you would like to keep an eye on one or more newspapers for our press review, please contact us


Save the dates!


The beginnings of Dialectica
Dialectica, the international journal published Open Access by, has a long history. In her article, Rafaela Schinner sheds light on the beginnings. 

Philosophy in the Swiss education system
We supplement our overview pages with individual testimonials. Lionel Thalmann reports in a short article on his high-school years at the Muristalden campus, Alina Ragoni on the first semester of her teaching diploma studies.

Dark Enlightenment
Simon Kräuchi questions the philosophy behind the Alt-Right in his new article

Philosophy as practice
Discover the new thematic focus

Corona and happiness
Bernhard Sollberger looks back on the pandemic

The computer as artist
Toni Rasic explores the new field of AI art.

Events and Announcements

Zurich Philosophy Festival 2023
The fifth edition of the Zurich Philosophy Festival will take place from 12-14 January 2023. Under the title "Buy me!", visitors will explore questions about possessions, money, the venality of bodies, likes on social media and much more. Find out more about the event here or download the programme directly via this link.

Philosophising with children and adults
On Sunday 15.1. the latest edition of the popular series "Philosophieren mit Kindern und Erwachsenen" will take place at the Dampfzentrale Bern.  Silvan Imhof has written a thought experiment - would anyone like to write a "reflection" on it? Just send it to

Marketing Contest by announces a competition. Send us your most creative ideas on the question: "How can we get more philosophy students in Switzerland? The deadline for submissions is 31 January 2023. The winner will receive 10% employment for three months at to realise their project.

Ancient Philosophy Essay Competition is organising an essay competition for philosophy students in order to be able to publish more contributions on ancient philosophy. The essays should introduce the respective topic and can be written in German, English, French or Italian. All submissions will be published on The authors of the winning essays will each receive CHF 100 in prize money. Read more about the competition here.


Refugee Stories

We are very pleased to announce that the Sophie and Karl Binding Foundation will support the project Fluchtgeschichten with a substantial contribution in 2023. Hopefully, the pilot project will soon become a platform where people can express themselves who have either fled themselves, work in the asylum system or intellectually engage with forced migration.


We continue to expand our 'Education' section. This includes a new page on philosophy studies, an overview of teaching degree programmes, a review of new teaching materials and general information on the Swiss education system.

philo vignes

In collaboration with the association "PasquartReben", organises a short lecture every fortnight at the PasquartReben in Biel/Bienne.


You find us interesting and know someone who should become aware of us? Just send the newsletter on! Thank you in advance!

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Our postal address is:, Fabrikgässli / ruelle de la fabrique 1, CH-2502 Biel/Bienne

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