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Damiano Costa (costa-d)


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    Calosi, Claudio and Costa, Damiano. 2015. Multilocation, Fusions and Confusions.” Philosophia 43(1): 25–33.
    Costa, Damiano. 2011. Temporal Parts and Spatial Location.” in Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Kevin Mulligan, edited by Anne Reboul. Genève: Département de philosophie, Université de Genève. Reprinted in Reboul (2014, 1: 199–206),
    Costa, Damiano. 2012. Attualità presente contro atto d’essere. Geach interprete di Tommaso d’Aquino? Rivista Teologica di Lugano 17(3): 349–360.
    Costa, Damiano. 2014. Being in Time.” Th{\`e}se de doctorat, Genève: Département de philosophie, Université de Genève.
    Costa, Damiano. 2017a. The Transcendentist Theory of Persistence.” The Journal of Philosophy 114(2): 57–75.
    Costa, Damiano. 2017b. The Limit Decision Problem and Four-Dimensionalism.” Vivarium 55(1–3): 199–216.
    Costa, Damiano. 2018. Esistenza e persistenza. Filosofie Analtiche – Metafisica. Milano: Mimesis Edizioni.
    Costa, Damiano and Giordani, Alessandro. 2016. In Defence of Transcendentism.” Acta Analytica 31(2): 225–234.
    Gilmore, Cody S., Calosi, Claudio and Costa, Damiano. 2024. Location and Mereology.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
    Gilmore, Cody S., Costa, Damiano and Calosi, Claudio. 2016. Relativity and Three Four-Dimensionalisms.” Philosophy Compass 11(2): 102–120.
    Giordani, Alessandro and Costa, Damiano. 2013. From Times to Worlds and Back Again: A Transcendentist Theory of Persistence.” Thought 2(3): 210–220.

Further References

    Reboul, Anne, ed. 2011. Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Kevin Mulligan. Genève: Département de philosophie, Université de Genève. Book publication: Reboul (2014),
    Reboul, Anne, ed. 2014. Mind, Values, and Metaphysics. Philosophical Essays in Honor of Kevin Mulligan. vol. 1. Cham: Springer. Book publication of Reboul (2011).