Ninth Annual Conference of the International Association for the Philosophy of Time (IAPT)

24-28 June 2024


    24 June

    Registration & Welcome drinks and snacks

    Introduction, Room A1.05


    Susanna Schellenberg (Rutgers) - The Nature of Spatiotemporal Perspectives

    Chair: Cristian Mariani (USI), Room A1.0511.20-12.20

    Siddhant Das (Munich) - Quantum arrival-time problem and Bohmian trajectories

    Chair: Heather Demarest, Room A1.05

    Vincent Grandjean (Zurich)- Diachronic Indeterminacy

    Chair: Federico Viglione, Room A1.03

    Giacomo Andreoletti (Salzburg) - Acting in the Garden of the Forking Paths

    Chair: Florian Fisher, Room A1.04

    Lunch Break


    Oliver Pooley (Oxford) - Nomic presentism, relativity, and rates of change

    Chair: Adrian Bardon, Room A1.05


    Alessandro Giordani (Cattolica Milan) - Navigating Time's Arrow: Presentism and the Dynamic Block Theory of Time

    Chair: Cristian Lopez, Room A1.05

    Rachel Russell (UC Dublin) - The Deflationist's Error

    Chair: Raul Saucedo, Room A1.03

    Christabel Cane (UC London) - The Problems of Temporary Intrinsics

    Chair: Tommaso Soriani, Room A1.04

    Coffee Break


    Kevin Coffey (NYU Abu Dhabi) - Is Temporal Structure Curved in Newtonian Gravitation Theory?

    Chair: Alison Fernandes, Room A1.05

    Natalja Deng (Yonsei) - An Experience-Based Interpretation of the A versus B Distinction

    Chair: Ulrich Meyer, Room A1.03

    Carlo Rossi Fernandez (Santiago) - Processes, Particularity, and the Dynamic Nature of Reality

    Chair: Giacomo Andreoletti, Room A1.04


    Cristian Lopez (Lausanne) - Relational Primitivism about the Direction of Time

    Chair: Margherita Moro, Room A1.05

    Gerardo Viera (Sheffield) - Perception and the Naïve Conception of Time

    Chair: Natalja Deng, Room A1.03

    Martin Lipman (Leiden) - Standpoint Pluralism and the Problem of Tensed Token Truths

    Chair: Antony Eagle, Room A1.04


    25 June


    Symposium I - Temporal Existence

    Kit Fine (NYU) - Three dimensionalism and special relativity

    Fabrice Correia (Geneva) - Persistence by Proxy

    Thomas Sattig (Tübingen) - Passage in a System of Relativization

    Chair: Damiano Costa (USI), Room A1.05

    Lunch Break

    Laurie Paul (Yale) - Primitive persistence

    Chair: Marta Pedroni, Room A1.05

    Coffee Break


    Marco Forgione (Milan) - Causal Set Theory and Growing Block? Not Quite

    Chair: Marco Marabello, Room A1.04

    Wen Yu (Sydney) - Temporal Biases as Person Biases

    Chair: Brittany Gentry, Room A1.03

    Patrick Dawson (UC Dublin) - A-Theorists Should Take Passage to be Fundamentally Directionless

    Chair: Emanuele Tullio, Room A1.05


    Heather Demarest (Colorado, Boulder) - Time-Asymmetric Law of Increasing Complexity

    Chair: Kevin Coffey, Room A1.04

    Andrea Iacona (Turin) & Samuele Iaquinto (Eastern Piedmount) - Quantitative Supervaluationism

    Chair: Claudio Calosi, Room A1.03

    Lisa Leininger (Hobart & William Smith) - What Should Become of Absolute Becoming? The Future of the Dynamic Nature of Time

    Chair: Enrico Cinti, Room A1.05


    26 June 


    Kristie Miller (Sydney) - Exploring People's Normative Judgements About Future Bias and The Temporal Value Asymmetry

    Chair: David Ingram, Room A1.05

    10.00-10.15 Coffee Break


    Marta Bielinska (Oxford) - Branching Time and Real Chance

    Chair: Damiano Costa, Room A1.05

    Nihel Jhou (National Taiwan) - Is a Time Machin an Amnesia (and Person Splitting) Machine?

    Chair: Brigitte Everett, Room A1.03

    Behadir Eker (Tübingen) - Situations, Change, Indeterminacy

    Chair: Vincent Grandjean, Room A1.04


    Adrian Bardon (Wake Forest) - Transcendental Arguments in Philosophy of Time

    Chair: Gerardo Viera, Room A1.05

    Alison Fernandes (TC Dublin) - Two Projects on the Direction of Time

    Chair: Lisa Leininger, Room A1.03

    Claudio Calosi (Geneva/Venice) - Presence and Delegation

    Chair: Giuliano Torrengo, Room A1.04

    14.00-...Free afternoon 


    27 June 


    Symposium II - Time and Quantum Physics

    Craig Callander (UC San Diego) - Imaginary Numbers and Time Reversal

    Daniel Sudarsky (UNAM) - The relevance of conceptual problems afflicting quantum theory, to cosmology and black hole physics

    Tim Maudlin (NYU) - Fundamental dynamics for quantum theory: why complex numbers

    Chair: Cristian Mariani (USI), Room A1.05


    Lunch Break


    Nina Emery (Mount Holyoke College) - Metaphysical Arguments from Temporal Experience

    Chair: Giuliano Torrengo, Room A1.05


    Coffee Break


    Athamos Stradis (King's College, London) - Present Records of the Past Hypothesis

    Chair: Paul McKarris, Room A1.04

    Brittany Gentry (Utah State) - Newtonian Time from Timeless Dynamics

    Chair: James Norton, Room A1.03

    Brigitte Everett (Sydney) - Passage Illusionism's Intelligibility Problem and Deflationism

    Chair: Jack Shardlow, Room A1.05


    Ulrich Meyer (Colgate) - Velocity and Necessity

    Chair: Carlo Rossi Fernandez, Room A1.04

    Raul Saucedo (Colorado, Boulder) - The Elamite Picture of Reality

    Chair: Francisca Silva, Room A1.03

    Antony Eagle (Adelaide) - Against Advanced Temporalising

    Chair: Florian Fisher, Room A1.05


    28 June


    Christian Wüthrich - Quantum gravity between becoming and eternalism

    Chair: Silvia De Bianchi, Room A1.05

    Coffee Break


    Maria Nørgaard (Geneva) - A Novel Approach to Quantum Persistence

    Chair: Athamos Stradis, Room A1.05

    Emanuele Tullio (Central European) - The Disclosing Window

    Chair: Christabel Cane, Room A1.03

    Nicholas Rimell (CU Hong Kong) - A Pairing Problem for Minimal A-Theorists (and Beyond)

    Chair: Martin Lipman, Room A1.04


    Emily Thomas (Durham) - Victorian Concepts of Time... and Sexism

    Chair: Claudio Calosi, Room A1.05

    Lunch Break


    Board Meeting

    Coffee Break


    Shira Yechimovitz (Tel Aviv & Sydney) - The Problem of Direction in Dynamic Theories: What's the Difference Between Beginning and Ceasing to Exist?

    Chair: Luca Gasparinetti, Room A1.04

    Jack Shardlow (Edinburgh) - Motion(less) Pictures and Temporal Appearances

    Chair: Rachel Russell, Room A1.03

    Francisca Silva (St. Andrews) - Truth Must Presently Be Grounded

    Chair: Patrick Dawson, Room A1.05


    Jenann Ismael (John Hopkins) - "The Block Universe" is nonsense

    Chair: Damiano Costa, Room A1.05



    Further information can be found here