Jenann Ismael (ismael-j)
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Ismael, Jenann. 1999. “Science and the Phenomenal.” Philosophy of Science 66: 351–369.
Ismael, Jenann. 2000. “Quantum Mechanics.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Ismael, Jenann. 2001. Essays on Symmetry. New York: Garland Publishing Co.
Ismael, Jenann. 2002. “Rememberances, Mementos, and Time-Capsules.” in Time, Reality and Experience, edited by Craig Callender, pp. 317–328. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement n. 50. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ismael, Jenann. 2003. “How to Determine Chance and Determinism: Thinking about the Future in an Everett Universe.” Philosophy of Science 70: 776–790.
Ismael, Jenann. 2007. The Situated Self. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195174366.001.0001.
Ismael, Jenann. 2009. The Situated Self. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. First edition: Ismael (2007).
Ismael, Jenann. 2010. “Me, Again.” in Time and Identity, edited by Joseph Keim Campbell, Michael O’Rourke, and Harry S. Silverstein, pp. 209–228. Topics in Contemporary Philosophy n. 4. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, doi:10.7551/mitpress/9780262014090.001.0001.
Ismael, Jenann. 2011a. “Temporal Experience.” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Time, edited by Craig Callender, pp. 460–483. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199298204.001.0001.
Ismael, Jenann. 2011b. “Reflexivity, Fixed Points, and Semantic Descent; How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Reflexivity.” Acta Analytica 26(4): 295–310.
Ismael, Jenann. 2012a. “Immunity to Error as an Artefact of Transition between Representational Media.” in Immunity to Error through Misidentification, edited by Simon Prosser and François Récanati, pp. 62–80. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ismael, Jenann. 2012b. “Decision and the Open Future.” in The Future of the Philosophy of Time, edited by Adrian Bardon, pp. 149–168. Routledge Studies in Metaphysics n. 4. London: Routledge, doi:10.4324/9780203338315.
Ismael, Jenann. 2013. “Causation, Free Will, and Naturalism.” in Scientific Metaphysics, edited by Don Ross, James Ladyman, and Harold Kincaid, pp. 208–230. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199696499.001.0001.
Ismael, Jenann. 2014a. “Naturalism on the Sydney Plan.” in Philosophical Methodology: The Armchair or the Laboratory?, edited by Matthew C. Haug, pp. 86–106. London: Routledge.
Ismael, Jenann. 2014b. “On Being Someone.” in Surrounding Free Will. Philosophy, Psychology, Neuroscience, edited by Alfred R. Mele, pp. 274–297. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199333950.001.0001.
Ismael, Jenann. 2015a. “How to be Humean.” in A Companion to David Lewis, edited by Barry C. Loewer and Jonathan Schaffer, pp. 188–205. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc., doi:10.1002/9781118398593.
Ismael, Jenann. 2015b. “In Defense of IP: A Response to Pettigrew [Pettigrew (2015)].” Noûs 49(1): 197–200.
Ismael, Jenann. 2015c. “On Whether the Atemporal Conception of the World is also Amodal.” Analytic Philosophy 56(2): 142–157.
Ismael, Jenann. 2015d. “Quantum Mechanics.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Ismael, Jenann. 2016a. How Physics Makes Us Free. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780190269449.001.0001.
Ismael, Jenann. 2016b. “Review of Frisch (2014).” The Philosophical Review 125(3): 431–435.
Ismael, Jenann. 2016c. “How Do Causes Depend on Us? The Many Faces of Perspectivalism.” Synthese 193(1): 245–267.
Ismael, Jenann. 2016d. “From Physical Time to Human Time.” in Cosmological and Psychological Time, edited by Yuval Dolev and Michael Roubach, pp. 107–124. Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science n. 285. Cham: Springer.
Ismael, Jenann. 2017a. “An Empiricist’s Guide to Objective Modality.” in Metaphysics and the Philosophy of Science. New Essays, edited by Matthew H. Slater and Zanja Yudell, pp. 109–126. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199363209.001.0001.
Ismael, Jenann. 2017b. “Passage, Flow, and the Logic of Temporal Perspectives.” in Time of Nature and the Nature of Time. Philosophical Perspectives of Time in Natural Sciences, edited by Christophe Bouton and Philippe Huneman, pp. 23–38. Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science n. 326. Dordrecht: Springer.
Ismael, Jenann. 2018a. “Why (Study) the Humanities? The View from Science.” in Making Sense of the World. New Essays on the Philosophy of Understanding, edited by Stephen R. Grimm, pp. 177–193. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190469863.001.0001.
Ismael, Jenann. 2018b. “Causal Content and Global Laws: Grounding Modality in Experimental Practice.” in Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Volume XXI: The Experimental Side of Modeling, edited by Isabelle Peschard and Bas C. van Fraassen, pp. 168–188. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.
Ismael, Jenann. 2020a. “What Entanglement Might Be Telling Us: Space, Quantum Mechanics, and Bohm’s Fish Tank.” in The Foundation of Reality. Fundamentality, Space, and Time, edited by David Glick, George Darby, and Anna Marmodoro, pp. 139–153. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198831501.001.0001.
Ismael, Jenann. 2020b. “Quantum Mechanics.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Ismael, Jenann. 2021a. “On Chance (or, Why I am Only a Half-Humean).” in Current Controversies in the Philosophy of Science, edited by Shamik Dasgupta, Ravit Dotan, and Brad Weslake, pp. 143–159. Current Controversies in Philosophy. London: Routledge.
Ismael, Jenann. 2021b. “Symmetry and Superfluous Structure: Lessons from History and Tempered Enthusiasm.” in The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Physics, edited by Eleanor Knox and Alastair Wilson, pp. 563–577. Routledge Companions. London: Routledge.
Ismael, Jenann and van Fraassen, Bas C. 2003. “Symmetry as a Guide to Superfluous Theoretical Structure.” in Symmetries in Physics: Philosophical Reflections, edited by Katherine Brading and Elena Castellani, pp. 371–392. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511535369.